Hope this helps


New Member
Jan 27, 2009
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I joined this website just over a week ago, excited and overjoyed. At 36 (BDay today!!!) after 18 months (not long but long enough for me) I found we were expecting a baby for the first time. "Don't get too excited" the few people I spoke to said - Rubbish!! How can you not be excited?
So 8 days on, 4 visits to the hospital for scans and bloods and another scan this Friday and I find that it's a delayed miscarriage and I have a 'complex' ovary (whatever that means, I'll find out next week) - loads of HCG but not enough progesterone.
I was very upset but found this website sooooo helpful. It really is good to read about the experiences of others and prove that you're not alone, especially as my husband works 400 miles away at the moment and I have few other women on the workplace to talk with. Again, the few people I spoke to said things like - 'never mind, it was only 5 weeks - you can't get that attached etc...... being able to use a website like this is great.
Anyway, I digress.... after a few days of feeling sorry for myself at least I know that we are actually capable of conceiving - something I wasn't sure about until I got a positive result. Time to eat well, look after myself, get those HCG levels down and hope to see you all in the next few months.

Hopefully by then I'll have learnt how to put all those cool counters and pictures on my posts!

xx :wink:
hey chilli,
welcome to the forum.
my mum had to be one of the worst contenders for saying "it was only early" or "in my day we wouldn't have known we were pregnant until we'd missed 2 periods, it doesn't really count" which as you know doesn't help.
this site has definately saved my sanity a few times when i've miscarried, and the girls are always helpful, and good with the hugs.
i'm so sorry for your loss. :hug: :hug:
yes this site was the only place i felt i could talk about my m/c and people REALLY understand, y'all really helped loads.

i'm so sorry for your loss chilipepper x x x x

nobody, and i mean nobody in 'real life' has mentioned my miscarriage to me :( which hasnt helped, but being able to come here has really helped, even if im not posting, reading other peoples stories really does help
Sorry for your loss :hug:

It doesn't matter whether you're 6 weeks or 12, loosing your baby is always going to be devastating, especially after months and months of trying. We'd been trying for 20 months before I finally got pregnant but sadly it wasn't meant to be. Like you though, I can take comfort in the fact I can actually get pregnant now, something we were starting to wonder would be possible for us as it'd been taking so long.

This site is amazing, the women on here are fantastic and there's always someone around to talk to and I got great advice and support on here.

Here's hoping you get another bfp really soon hun xx :pray:

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