Home Waterbirth???


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2010
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Im thinking about having a home waterbirth with this baby iv had 2 children before, both in hospital and I didnt have very good experiences with them. I hate hospitals anyway and allways wanted a waterbirth so I figured the best thing for me is to have a waterbirth in the comfort of my own home. Iv allready seen the big gorgeous birthing pool I want to hire! Was just wondering if theres anyone else who is thinking about it or anyone who has had one before? A bit of insight would be nice to help me make the right choice xxx
if you into the tri 3 section a few ladies are considering them and one has just had one, she had a 54 hour labour but has a very healthy baby boy. =) x
Check out my post below on amazing labour! Its a great waterbirth. Im tempted now! x
im thinking of having 1 too :) this is my 5th and all my others have been born in hospital and all have been really good experiences and easy labours
ive just ordered a book on home birth and 1 on water birth :)
i want a water birth and if it wasnt my first then i would have a home birth too x
Iv allways wanted a home waterbirth I just hate hospitals so much I want to be at home where im comfy with my husband and kids the thought of leaving my girls with someone else while I go to hospital just doesnt seem right im quite exited about it actually fingers crossed I get one n there isnt any complications so I cant x
so long as your last labours was ok they will be all for it it was my midwife that suggested it to me :) and if any complications do arise if we just prepare ourselves wont be such a disappointment having to go into the hospital :) im more worried about having the kids pounce on me straight away haha my ds has adhd and global delay so can be quite an handful should be fun eh lol
my book as arrived for homebirth and it has stories in for when things have gone wrong i dont think i want to read it eeeek
My first baby will be arriving at any time now and I'm planning a home water birth. I hate needles and can't imagine ever willingly allowing anyone to give me an epidural etc! Before I was pregnant I read a book by Ena May Gaskin about natural birth and was inspired enough to get pregnant and plan a natural home birth. I've also done a hypnobirthing course to help me along too! (although have been rubbish at practising!). I've been lucky enough to be able to borrow a birthing pool from a friend, so I'm all set. Just have to hope for the best that everything goes to plan now. I'm also avoiding negative birth stories (hypnobirthing suggestion) and focusing totally on the positive (although positivity isn't a great strength of mine, so am finding it difficult, especially the closer my due date gets!)
I had my last baby at home and used a birth pool to labour but had him on 'dry land' :lol: Definitely my favourite birth <3
Im really really hoping for a water birth but dont fancy being at home as i live with mum and brother, might be wierd :blush: lol but defo wanna go for the water birth option! x
Aww thanks ladies its made me wantit even more now im really looking forward to it, iv never had any complications during labour just had long labours both times but me and the babies have allways been perfect so dont see a problem with that. Im going to order some books this week to strat reading through and iv allready chosen the lovely birthing pool im going to order its massive so hubby can get in with me if he wants too :) x
When you are at home, you are less likely to end up 'on the clock' in the way you are in hospital. So your 'long labours' (which are the correct length for YOU - maybe not average as far as a hospital are concerned, but PERFECT for you and your healthy babies!) wont be an issue.

I can recommend some great books for you and your OH.

The Father&#8217;s Home Birth Handbook &#8211; Leah Hazard
Home Birth &#8211; A Practical Guide - Nicky Wesson

Also Birthing The Easy Way by Sheila Stubbs - A MUST read for ALL women - home birthing or hospital birthing it's truly inspirational!

ive got the home birth a practical guide by nicky wesson was really cheap too for a new book
and i have the water birth book by janet balaskas a bit pricey but comes highly recomended by reviews

flexi you should of spoken with your family im sure they would of been happy to stay out of the room you was in labour in, if mine goes to plan i will have my mother in law up to look after the kids but will be on strict instructions to stay out of the room im in :)
Ill look into ordering those books thanks ladies. Yes it is completely normal for me to have long labours I had them with both babies and me and baby were totally healthy and fine both times baby not in distress or anything and I was coping fine. With my first daughter they basically made me have an epidural as they said my labour was taking too long and I needed drugs to speed it up which would make my labour too painfull to cope with I was so dissapointed as I know it would have happened naturally if they just left me to labour in peace with my second I made sure I stayed at home until the very last second I could but after a few hours they were still pushing to break my waters and talking about putting me on a drip again but I refused and a couple of hours later I had my very healthy baby with no drugs or intervention and then I packed our bags and left the hospital 2 hours later as I just didnt want to be there. So really the only option for me is to stay at home where I can be properly looked after and labour the way I want to as long as it takes in the comfort of my own home x
Ill look into ordering those books thanks ladies. Yes it is completely normal for me to have long labours I had them with both babies and me and baby were totally healthy and fine both times baby not in distress or anything and I was coping fine. With my first daughter they basically made me have an epidural as they said my labour was taking too long and I needed drugs to speed it up which would make my labour too painfull to cope with I was so dissapointed as I know it would have happened naturally if they just left me to labour in peace with my second I made sure I stayed at home until the very last second I could but after a few hours they were still pushing to break my waters and talking about putting me on a drip again but I refused and a couple of hours later I had my very healthy baby with no drugs or intervention and then I packed our bags and left the hospital 2 hours later as I just didnt want to be there. So really the only option for me is to stay at home where I can be properly looked after and labour the way I want to as long as it takes in the comfort of my own home x

home birth sounds like it will be perfect for you :)
i was out 6 hours later on my last ds didnt want to stay in at all lol
Yes I just felt like I needed to go home with my baby and to see my then toddler Leah was an awful experience the kids r staying at home with us this time and can be as involvled as they like my 5 yr old loves watching baby story and things lol so she will know what to expect there not easily scared so im sure they will both be fine at home with us and can meet there new little bother/sister straight away which will be lovely x

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