We have tried it as my partner cant have s*x many times in a row and really suffers from the pressure of performing, however doing this method is less pressure and he can do it daily/every other day. I know it sounds odd but we will try anything!! x
I see I don't see why it won't work as well, just make sure you squirt it around your cervix instead of into it because apparently that can cause a nasty infection as the seminal fluid itself can be contaminated.
I havent really heard much about this. It's v interesting though. Would it be cheeky to ask for more info on how you're doing it? Whats the time delay between his deposit and you using it? What equipment did you need to buy? Can you use part of it at different times of the day or does it need to be whole lot in one go? Can you store it? Sorry, I have tons of questions! Feel free to ignore them though if it's too intrusive. It's just that my husband works some v long hours and i am so often asleep when he comes in and he is asleep when i leave so it's really hard coordinating a good time for bding. x
Dont worry i dont mind all the questions!!
We bought preseed online as heard that helps and it come with some syringes without needles to insert the preseed right up!! We decide to try this home insmeination idea instead. He does it into a cup (sorry to be crude!) and then puts it inside the syringe and i immediatly put it up as far as i possibly can (i have read to put it in slowly and make sure there is no air in the syringe) then lie down for 30 mins with a pillow under my hips. i do it last thing at night so i then sleep so dont need to stand up to give it the best chance of staying put!
I am not sure how long you can store it for before using it but i have read if it is wet its still alive and when it dry thats when it is dead. i know this method must work as women how have babies for other couples use this method. and obviously travel with the sperm before inserting it.
My partner also works late nights so we suffer form the same problem but with this method he just wakes me up when he is in and hands me the syringe it take less than 30 seconds to do it then i can go back to sleep.
I know people dont agree with trying to get pregnant without sex but it really helps him with the feeling of presure. Its out second month of trying this and as we are happy to try this method and feel comfortable about it we dont mind doing it
I thinkl you can but the syringes on ebay etc - just make sure there is not a needle!!
I hope this has helped x
Thanks for all the info, I think it's genius for those times when sex is almost a chore. I dont see anything wrong with it at all! People struggling to get pregnant should do anything they can. I mean I would obviously rather have sex, personally I would like to bd my husband at least ten times more than he wants to, he's always tired, and I have to say that the whole baby pressure really doesnt help. It's much harder for men to do it if not in the mood. For us it's just a bit of lube and hurry up darling! lol.
Anyway, it's a good idea. I really hope it works for you. I'll follow your results with interest and who knows, if it works we might all be at it shortly
Completely agree - for once it harder for him to get in the mood than me!! i do feel for him and pressure to perform - espically when i know its an important day in the cycle. I will report back if it works! x
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