Home from hospital...


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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well spent the night in hospital:( I had really really painful pain in the bottom of my stomach and also in my back. They did blood and urine tests and an internal :shock:

They were convinced it was ectopic.
Anyway they managed to get me in for a scan about luch time today which i was really pleased other wise i'd have to wait until Tuesday.
It was my first scan and everything was perfect!
I'm so happy you could even see the strong flicker of its heartbeat which shocked me but it was there flicking away.
so there still not sure what caused the pain and i was put back 5 days to exactly 9 weeks but i dont care im a very happy bunny with a happy little bean! :D :D
Thats briliant news, I bet its great to be home, and especially knowing everything is well and good!! :D
ooo what hospital were you at Keelie? ive just come out of university of leicester hospital about half hour ago, and they wouldnt scan me yesterday even though they thought it might be ectopic, i have to wait til tuesday! meaaan..
I was in Burton Queens hospital, they were very good actually and scanned me the following morning of me being admitted. It was my mum that did it, she was a wreck and pleaded with them to do it so that we didnt have to wait all weekend. I was lucky so im thankfull to them after what they're putting you through. Keep me updated wont you x
I'm so glad everything is ok! Its great to hear good news like that, you must be so relieved! :hug:

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