Home birth story


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Was watching this homebirth story today and discovery home and health and Jeeeeezuz....do people really make all the grunting, mooing and general AHHHHHHHHHHHHRGHHHHHH screams?

I was LAUGHING my head off at this woman today, I was so embarrest for her lol, I know it sounds horrible but my sister said the most noise she made is when she pushed and it was like a little 'ah'...! And my mum said she hardly made a sound at all but there was a woman next to her who was screaming her head off...the women in my family don't have small babies either and they never made the big noisy fuss lol.

I just cant help myself laughing at some of these programmes though, but then I think 'Great, watch me be just like them and sound like a cow having sex' :roll:
:rotfl: my OH caught me watching one of those home birth programmes, the woman was making such a racket...he looked horrified and said "you are NOT going to sound like that are you!!??" :shock:

I flew off the handle, so so sensetive at the mo and I said "I am not giving birth in silence you a**e, who do you think you are, Tom bleeding Cruise??!! Just coz Katie s*dding Holmes gave birth in silence, you cant make ME do it!!!"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Truth be known, I am so terrified of the whole thing, I will probably sob my whole way through it in terror :roll:
Fair enough, a little sobbing aint a problem lol but everyone says these women on these programmes just sound rediculous!

My dad shouts at me for watching them :oops: He say's i'm gonna be terrified when the time comes, I just can't help myself though, anything to do with labour/birth/babies I have to watch! :lol:
Me too!! OH keeps asking me why I put myself through it as I usually end up in tears with fear, but I think I need to prepare myself somehow :think:
They don't bother me, I feel better for watching them...I try to dismiss the howling as much as possible but I can't help but laugh. :rotfl: Oh gosh, ive got it coming havn't I!!!
Mute the volume!!! :rotfl:

It is amazing to see the baby being born though, and I am in awe of the women who do it!!!
When i was having my DD i could hear a woman screaming in another room, put me right off it did :D

I scratched my OH arm to pieces though.
I must admit i have watched these programmes and laughed as well
I even asked OH if i sounded like that, he said no as he would have collapsed laughing if i had made them noises!!!

Midwifes tend to tell you to pack it in if you are making a noise like that as you are putting more energy into the noise than pushing!!!

Thats what she told me any way about the noisy bint next to me!!!!
yeah my sister said it takes up energy u could be using to push out the baby and i have heard midwifes telling women not to scream too.
sometimes i find myself laughing at them..

then i think.. shit... that might be me soon :shock:
il scream i have no pain threshhold lol

I flew off the handle, so so sensetive at the mo and I said "I am not giving birth in silence you a**e, who do you think you are, Tom bleeding Cruise??!! Just coz Katie s*dding Holmes gave birth in silence, you cant make ME do it!!!"

fair play you tell him! But AFAIK that plan went down the pan for Katie when she went into labour, apparently she couldnt help it... :rotfl:
poor katie.... being turned into an ass :x

swweeeeet baby tho :D
i said....

i feel sorry for katie if she really is being controlled by krazy tom..

they do have a cute baby tho :lol:
oki gotcha,,.yeah but she does look a tad like roy from heat mag :rotfl:
My sisters coming in with me, I think she would do more than bite me if I bit her lol, OH would just sit there and take it though!

My sister said she would slap me if I made noises like these women on TV :rotfl:
I watch these programs all of the time and they make me laugh too but I don't think we should really judge until we have actually been through it ourselves. The cow noise is the best MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :rotfl:

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