Home Birth Research


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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After seeing some stuff on TV the other week ( Dr Martain of all things lol) - im considering a home birth. Our local hospital is a filthy hell hole - and although ive not seen much of it, i kinda figure if the Maternity Unit has the same contract cleaners it wont be all THAT much better.

I have my 16week appointment on monday, so was gonna bring it up then, but im not really sure where to start reasearching this, or if its way to early.

There's so much info online, and a lot of it seems more american.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'm the same as you and considering a home birth not cos of the hospital tho. One girl posted a reply saying she had loads of problem with mws and went to hospital in the end so suggested researching staffing levels. I know what u mean by not knowing where to start tho. Obviously your mw will be able to give you the majority of info you need.
I went for a homebirth, ended up being transferred in the end but it was a perfect birth for me :) I Really loved having the time at home and i went in because i had to, not because it was expected of me.

I would highly reccomend it, if you live within a reasonable distance of the hospital x
Most of the sites I've found are American, there's some good birth stories on here though so you could read some of those too. It's not to early to start getting all the facts, lots of midwives are very encouraging of home births as things seem to have gone full circle and home births are becoming more popular for lots of reasons. Labour tends to be easier because the woman is relaxed. I just like the idea of having a relaxing non medical birth and not being separated from my husband, to me hospitals are for sick/injured people, which obviously I'm not! Oh and the whole germ thing with hospitals freaks me out too! Only a few weeks until I hopefully have my home birth now, really looking fwd to it!
I'm seriously considering a home birth aswell but like JensBump I was told that they don't encourgae it for first babies. But they also didnt say I couldn't have one so I'm going to keep pushing it unless there is a medical reason not to.

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