Home Birth & PreEclampsia


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey Mums

Was just wondering whether anyone was told they couldn't have a homebirth when diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia?

I was finally diagnosed yesterday (see thread in 3rd Tri) but no one even explained the effects etc of PE and no one mentioned that it would now not be possible to have my home birth (which was agreed to by MW prior to this).

Me and OH have been discussing it, and as much as I would still love my homebirth, especially with how useless the hospital have been to me, I'm kind of thinking it may be a selfish choice to do so for my own comfort, whereas in hospital they *should* keep a closer eye on things with LOD during labour?! :think:
I was admitted with suspected pre-eclampsia at 38 weeks last time, but my bp went down & protein disappeared so I was allowed home after a few days (and told to rest). I asked about my home birth and was told there was no way I would be allowed one as I had been transferred to consultant care in hospital. I spoke to my community midwife on my due date and she said that provided my bp stayed down she would totally support a home birth, as they would be able to keep an eye on me at home, and I don't live that far from the hospital. She said that when we rang the delivery suite to let them know I was in labour just tell them we were having a homebirth & they'd send out a midwife.

So although I got my home birth I was never actually diagnosed with pre-eclampsia - it was only suspected. If you definitely have it you'll probably need to go into hospital. Speak to your community midwife (the one you've agreed your home birth with) as she will probably be the most supportive and be able to tell you exactly what the risks are. If you ask in the day unit they'll just tell you you have to come in no compromise.

I hope you feel okay & baby comes soon :hug:
I was told that if my bp went up again this time then i wouldnt be allowed a home birth :(
I always thought that with Pre-eclampsia you would have to have a hospital birth but when I googled then, i couldnt find anything saying that?! I think it would be best to ask tomorrow when you go back!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I had a home birth booked and then at 39+3 I was told I had PE and sent to hospital for monitering. I asked my mw if I could still have my home birth and she said no chance :(
I went to the hospital and was told I needed to stay in and they would induce me the next day.
I woke up at 2.30 that morning with contractions every 4 mins so no induction in the end.
I was told had I had my home birth I would have been rushed into hospital during the labour as my bp went sky high.
They kept me in for 3 days to sort my bp out.
Had a healthy baby boy in the end though so that is all that matters
i was supposed to have a home birth hun but was delivered early due to PE but was told before that there was no chance of a home birth with it :hug:

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