Home a week with my boy!

fein _but_waiting!

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Now that i've finally got a minute thought i would give an update.

My little boy Gideon was born last fri at 14:37 weighing in at 5 pound 12 and a half (small for full term VERY healthy size for having had him at 36 wks!).

Labour story isn't too interesting to be honest. After my waters breaking in the morning, nothing happenend all day and then after about an hours sleep, i woke to strong pains at 1:30am which were irregular throught the night but slowly got more regular and closer together by the morning. That said, i was still only 2cm. So by 8 am they decided to induce me against the risk of infection at such an early gestation. I was induced at 8:30 and by 9:35 was in established labour (was shaking like a leaf when they did the epidural). I was still feeling the peaks of contractions for the first hour throught the epi but by the 3rd top up i felt like i'd been sitting on snow for hours. Def not keen on that feeling.

By 12:30 i was 4/5 cms dilated and an hour later at 13:30 i was fully dilated much to the shock of everyone in the room. I They let the epi wear off a little so that i could push and feel it, so i started pushing at 14:10 and little Gids was born at 14:37. Despite the epi, still felt his head crowning and felt it come out with a fair bit of discomfort. Doc said my perineum was really really tight, but did pernieal control and i came away with one stitch for a minor 1st degree tear. Have to thank my baby for coming early cos if i'd gone full term, the damage would have been far worse.

Anyway, one pic of my little baba for you guys

Many congratulations to you sweety and well done!!! :cheer: :hug: He's absolutely adorable :)
Aww he is gorgeous!! Congratulations!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh wow hun!!! aww look at him.. he is a real sweetheart!! good luck and congrats!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: i cant beleive you already popped :shock:
Congratulations! Hes gorgeous!

Oh and just the 1 stitch?? you lucky thing! lol

Claire x
he is such a cutie looks like hes going to be a happy baby smiling already :D
That's so exciting! He's beautiful. I can't believe he's here already, Congrats!
Hi :wave:

I was thinking about you last week and hoping you were ok.

Huge congratulations on the arrival of your gorgeous little boy.

xxxx :hug:

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