Holidays and travel insurance


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi Tri2 girlies. I'm sure this will be the first of many questions I post here so I hope you like answering them (if not tell me to shut up).

I'm trying to book a last minute holiday now that I feel more human again and I know LO is growing well. Is there anything I need to look for in a travel insurance policy (do you have to declare pregnancy)? I was thinking of Italy as not to far and I assume good medical facilities etc. is there anythiing else I need to think of or ask before I book?

As your already pregnant, you have to declare it and it will be classed as a pre existing condition. That means that if anything pregnancy related happens to you on holiday you wont be covered. Thats the situation with the policy my company sells. With other companies oyu may be able to take out extra cover. But you do have to declare it.
Ok thanks I thought that would be the case.
I declared it to my travel insurance company, but it made no difference to the policy as I was under 26 weeks. We're with direct travel insurance.
I just rang my insurance company and they said I was totally covered for anything/everything pregnancy related as long as my GP hadn't told me that I couldn't fly. I have insurance through my bank account so it is ongoing which may make a difference as I guess it doesn't count as a pre-existing condition but they were really helpful when I rang up to speak to them about it, they just took due date and asked about any problems etc and when I said I had had none they said that as long as doc was ok with me going away it was no probs. Enjoy your hols!

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