Holiday in Spain... advice from the spanish mummies please!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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We're going away in a couple of weeks for some sun and I don't want to take much baby paraphernalia with me. I have various different supermarkets close by including eroski which is probably the biggest one so with that in mind, what are the best brand of nappies to buy? Are eroski own brand or other supermarkets own ok? I generally stick with tesco own here and avoid expensive premium brands if possible.

The water that is okay for babies, is that font vella? Do you still have to boil the water before letting the little 'uns drink it or is okay without boiling?

I'm totally nervous about taking James away so if there's any other pearls of wisdom you have to offer about surviving in the sun, I'd love to hear from you!

by the time you get here it will be either really pleasant, not hot at all, or slap bang in the middle of gota'll think the plane never made it to Spain. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: non stop rain for two weeks.

I've not tried Eroski brand nappies... They have huggies here and a silly expensive brand called dodot, which is Pampers quality. I buy Carrefours own as per nappy its decidedly cheaper... lil miss has been fine in them, except for the odd explosive poo but I had then that can be said about all brands of nappies. There are NO nappy sacks here, so bring your own.

The water here thats deemed suitable for making bottles with is called Bezoya, (, you'll see in the bit that says commentarios (comments) is says "Adecuada para la preparación de biberones de leche de inicio (Na < 25) y de continuación" which means its suitable for the preparation of bottles of first milk and continuation milk.... don't think you can use font vella... also in the baby milk section they sell cartons of water (yup cartons like milk) for the same thing. Tap water is safe to drink on the peninsula it just tastes nasty...

I breast feed and have never really used milk... but I know that SMA and C&G are English only products, you'd have to go to an English supermarket or Iceland to get it and its twice the price than in the UK: But the formula milk here is just as safe as in the UK and just as good.

Where abouts in Spain will you be going?
thanks squig, i think its probably not a million miles from you, i'm going to los alcazares, a few minutes away from murcia airport.

I shall make sure i remember the nappy sacks! what do local folks do though?! just straight into the bins??
Los alcazares is about 20mins away from me :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Bin collection here happens everyday... we have big green communal bins and you have to put all your waste in a sealed bin bag between 8pm and 11pm to prevent smell and cockroaches... no fines for recycling here :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'e just come back from Spain. We took our own nappies (a pack of 24 plus about 5 extra I had loose in a bag for Alex, and 8 for Lydia, one per night - they lasted the week), and just bought bottled water from shops near the hotel for us all to drink. We bought some more baby wipes whilst we were over there, which were easy enough to find in a little supermarket.
We went to Spain for a month when James was 5 months. I used cloth nappies but decided to go with disposables when we were there (so glad cos it rained so much!). Got some of the dodot ones but they were expensive so went with eroski's own when they ran out and they were fine. As for water, I just boiled tap water and it was fine. He decided to wean when we were out there so mostly just gave him banana and rusks - had taken some sugar free out with me.
Hi don't know if I'm too late but we use Dodot nappies - are more pricey but I find them better than Huggies. The water I use for the formula is Lanjaron, you can get low sodium stuff but the normal Lanjaron is OK to use. The milk we use is Almiron it is 17.50 Euro per box but it's much better than Hero the cheap version - even the colour of Hero is nasty. Hope this helps Have a fab time X
Spain is really child friendly making it a great family holiday destination, just be careful of your little ones in the sun, it may sound obvious, but keep them out of direct sun between 11-3 and remember, they can even burn in the pool, slap on the suncream and keep their head covered. To avoid taking too much paraphenlia with you take a look at my business, The Little Concierge Company, we deliver pretty much anything your baby could prossibly need on holiday and deliver it straight to your destination.
Try googling travelling with babies as there's a company, sorry can't remember details that will fly out English products to your destination ready for when you get there. It was started by mums for mums hth x

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