Holding their own bottles

When do they start to do this? In this heat it would be such a bonus if Damien could give himself juice. I do offer it to him but it would be easier of he could take what and when he wanted. It got me thinking about when they can start giving it to themselves. He has it from a bottle still as he can't get used to a beaker :oops:

When do they feed themselves too? From about a year or alot older? Damien has finger food but obvious cannot feed himself mush :)
Alex has just started to do this. he has been wanting to for ages but couldnt manage for long. can now do a whole bottle if he's not in too wiggely mood!

took him ages with a beaker - i just kept trying while still letting him have water in a bottle too. i got the boots own little blue one and it as a valve thing in it so he can mess about with it and it wont spill. he hated free flowing ones as they just flooded him to start with. i was worrying that he wouldnt take to a beaker then all of a sudden he started guzzling away! he holds that better than bottles cos its smaller.

problem is he still cant pick it up if he loses it :? i guess he'll get the hang of it.

hows damien doing now? our boys are 7 months today!! wonder how amy & Carey Jake are doing :)
I let Aimee feed herself now and shes just over 7 months. It's not that i don't want to give her a bottle but she fidgits so much when i'm doing it so it's much easier to just lie her down and give it her. Shes not great at it but does manage.
Cheers Em, Damien is okie, still in and out of hospital, last discharged from hospital yesterday, never ending story, he seems to be in every week at the moment. Can't beleive he is 7 months today! :D
Which Boots beaker are you using? Ive got about 5 different ones now, all of which he hates :lol:
hmm cant find it on their website. they have a range thats green, blue and pink. it has a rubber spout & rubber bits on the side for grip.

he'll get it - took alex ages and now he loves his water.

Cheers babes, Damien has a Boots ine (can't find a pic of it either, was a pk of 2, 1 blue 1 green) but he wont use them. LOL, he's lazy :lol:
Ella wont drink froma beaker either, iv tired so many different ones and she just pulls her face, suppose I should just keep trying, she takes some water from a bottle with a teat with the handles she holds that really well but cant hold a bottle itsefl yet, she tries, they will get there eventually, seem to learn things over night!
Seren can hold her bottle, and when she is breastfeeding she holds my boob like that too lol. She has a tomee tippee beaker which she is uses, sometimes needs a bit of help but can get water out of it now.

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