Hobbies and Sports


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Which hobbies and sports did you do before you were pregnant?

Do any of you do anything that you have had to stop doing or will have to stop doing at some point during pregnancy?

I ran before i found out I was pregnant, only about 5k 3 times a week but I got to about 7 week and kept coming over faint and dizzy so stopped.

I also have horses and dogs. I trust one of my horses implicitly and have carried on riding her and thought i would until it became physically uncomfortable but interestingly I am already starting to be very very cautious and quite nervous when it comes to riding now so think it wont be long before i'll be stopping that too!

Am guessing the dogs are just gonna have the best walks ever over the next few months!!
I'm a runner too. I used to train 3-5 times a week, 15-20 miles a week. I was explicitly told to stop at the start of my IVF cycle and wouldn't risk it now. I was supposed to be racing on Sunday, but I'll be cheering on the other runners from my club instead.

I'm doing light walking only, although I might start swimming at some point.
Horse riding is not recommended during pregnancy at all. In fact I think its considered extremely unsafe. Aside from the obvious falling off risk, the constant jumping up and down can cause placental abruption (sp?)

I would stop horse riding now if I were u x

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Running also. I was also told to stop by my GP. Have mysteriously had to come up with excuses to pull out of team events I had agreed to do. Makes me look like a twit but they will understand once I can tell them after the 12 wk scan. Like you, soobsessed, I wouldn't have been able to do it anyway after about wk 6/7 due to the dizziness. My dog gets me out every day for good walks though.

I was getting back into my running and ready to train for a half marathon with MR W but I now I've decided not to exercise until after 12 weeks to be on the safe side. Doctor has told me exercise is still safe just not high impact sports.
I worked with horses whilst pregnant with my first two, but I only rode my own coz I knew him inside out, obviouly there was some risk as horses are never 100% but the doc said coz I,d been doing it for a long time and my body was used to it, there was no need to stop the mucking out/yard work, just not to over do it and the riding was up to me and the actual riding wouldn't do any harm, just if I came off. The first time round I did my last competition at 3 months and stopped riding at 5 with both of them, and didn't stop the yard work till 36ish weeks.
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Officially (faculty of sports and exercise medicine) it's supposed to be safe to do all the sports you did before pregnancy except contact stuff and anything that can cause bad falls.

I was planning to keep running and doing the non-sparring bits at kickboxing but they are both giving me sacro-iliac pain already so I'm still training but sticking to gym cardio, swimming, pilates and light weights. No problems with them so far.
I used to enjoy the occasional short run, but also found that by 7 weeks I was far too tired, breathless and dizzy to coninue. I also cycle and continue to do this but I stick to easy routes that are free from traffic.
G/C here but I Have carried on with all my usual hobbies and exercise - dancing being one of them. I mostly teach but kept it quite high impact first 16 weeks and found myself getting a bit slower and less elegant! I think as long as your body is used to it I thinks it's ok to keep going as long as you feel comfortable.
Once I hit 30 weeks I'll just be swimming- no splits or high kicks then!
I can understand though with horse riding it does carry other risks.
I uses to spin twice a week and do a step class. When I spoke to the instructor in the gym he told me I shouldn't do those things for the first 12 weeks.

Once I've had my scan I fully intend to go back to them but just not do it as high impact!

I've missed it and starting to get a bump but I think it's just fat rather than baby!! Xx
God you girls all put me to shame, I'm very impressed! I don't do any sports, my hobby is sitting on the sofa watching telly or having a brew with the girls so I think I will be okay to continue that :) hehe.

I do walk about 40 minutes a day which I'm going to try and keep up even until I'm ready to pop, they recommend walking and swimming don't they? Xx
Jayjay i've never heard of it causing abruption!!

I'll let you into a little secret, im a midwife!!

However I really enjoy coming on here to get non midwife views and to feel like a normal pregnant woman with the same worries and concerns as others.

I am seriously thinking of stopping riding soon (but enjoy it so much and am gonna miss it more than you would ever imagine). However i am not giving up because of the damage it may cause as I really don't believe that just riding (not falling off obviously) would cause any problems.

All i do at the moment is gently walk my horse out, not gallopping or jumping just an amble across the country side. However I do feel like I am loosing my nerve which isnt god for wither me or horse!!

Horse riding is not recommended during pregnancy at all. In fact I think its considered extremely unsafe. Aside from the obvious falling off risk, the constant jumping up and down can cause placental abruption (sp?)

I would stop horse riding now if I were u x

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Thanks for all your replies ladies. I feel much better as though maybe I was the only one struggling with the old exercise thing.

I have recently lost 2.5 stone prior to pregnancy and would love to keep in shape as much as possible during pregnancy. I already feel like a beached whale and am only 10 weeks!!

I did go swimming the other day but a couple of people have warned me about doing breast stroke due to causing problems with pelvis which again I had never heard before, I cant do any other stroke either!

So long walks across the country side with my dogs it is then............sounds like bliss, if only i didn't have to go to work!!!
I have nice easy hobbies like crafting and making jewellery, so no need to give them up luckily but I do seem to have not been bothered to do any recently; bed is more appealing, which was a problem coming up to mothers day when I was getting orders in left right and centre and had craft fairs on; was a bad week for me with sickness too lol
Hoping I get time to do it as much when baby arrives :)
I'm more of a crafter than sports nut, but the day before my BFP I bought a brand new top of the range bike! I was supposed to do a 70 mile bike ride for charity in June but have been talked out of it by OH and Mum. I'm managing to get out about once a week on bike but taking it a lot steadier, and doing walking. I want to start swimming and pregnancy yoga but haven't found a yoga class at a reasonable price in Leeds yet :(
I don't particularly do any sports but my mum was a runner and said she was still running upto 7 months pg with me!! She was only 17!!!
Both DH and I are keen technical divers and spent most of the summer months underwater at 30m plus either here or abroad, both working or recreational diving. Can defo say that I won't be doing that this year don't think ScubaPro do a range of maternity wetsuits :) LOL!
Thanks for all your replies ladies. I feel much better as though maybe I was the only one struggling with the old exercise thing.

I have recently lost 2.5 stone prior to pregnancy and would love to keep in shape as much as possible during pregnancy. I already feel like a beached whale and am only 10 weeks!!

I did go swimming the other day but a couple of people have warned me about doing breast stroke due to causing problems with pelvis which again I had never heard before, I cant do any other stroke either!

So long walks across the country side with my dogs it is then............sounds like bliss, if only i didn't have to go to work!!!

I,ve heard of this aswell, but I swim 3 times a week and had no problems, tho I don't know what harm other strokes would do. I was swimming regularly before this pregnancy, but stopped shortly after coz it was making me feel sick, and I started again a few weeks ago. It seems like you,ve got to be a couch potato whilst pregnant lol. But I,ve been told just to keep doing exercise as I wish and stop if it causes any pain or discomfort, and just ignore people who tell you what you can and can,t do. It,s your body an dyou,ll no when to stop.

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