I just symptom spotting?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I have sore boobs today and been a bit mood swingy (poor hubby got the sharp end!) i.e. a bit PMT ish - although I don't often get that but you know when you are ranting about something random and part of your brain is going 'why are you mad about THAT????!' Sorry, am rambling.

Anyway just wondering (and hoping I guess!) if these might be some early symptoms - although they could just as easily be suggestive of impending AF. Am due on a week tomorrow so we'll see I guess.

Now if only I can get my husband to stop poking my nipples to 'see if they still hurt'
Me too! Although prepared for the fact it might be - we've only been trying properly this month so we'd be very lucky if anything happened straight away!
Fingers crossed for you hun! I'd be dead excited if it were me!!
am praying for you hun :pray: :pray: :pray:

babyblonde said:
Now if only I can get my husband to stop poking my nipples to 'see if they still hurt'

i am so glad my OH isnt the only one who does that!!! :lol: :rotfl:
Well, quick update. Today I can't stop peeing! Possibly another sign, possibly just the dry heating making my throat sore and making me drink more.


Thanks all for the good wishes!
Dunno - starting to feel a bit silly that it might all be in my head!
i am the biggest symptom spotter of all hun its easy for our minds to play tricks, good luck :pray:

i get bad PMT like that every month and like you say you know you are doing it but can't stop yourself my DH gets the brunt of it too! :wall:

I feel less grumpy today - had a good day at work which helps!
Thanks hun! Am feeling very weird right now - got a bit of a stomach ache too (kind of like AF but not quite the same) since this evening. Am now starting to think though, like Snuggle, that I might just be getting one of the many irritating illnesses which seem to be flying around at the moment.

Oh well, I'm due on next monday so only a week or so to go until I know either way! Might just kill myself wondering by then though! :rotfl:
babyblonde said:
Thanks hun! Am feeling very weird right now - got a bit of a stomach ache too (kind of like AF but not quite the same) since this evening. Am now starting to think though, like Snuggle, that I might just be getting one of the many irritating illnesses which seem to be flying around at the moment.

Oh well, I'm due on next monday so only a week or so to go until I know either way! Might just kill myself wondering by then though! :rotfl:

I'm due AF on Sunday hun so here's hoping we get BFPs and all these symptoms are not because of flu :pray: I think AF is on way for me TBH, I have really bad cramp now :(
Don't give up hope! I'm also wondering whether it is just AF rearing her ugly head - but having said that, I rarely get bad AF pains and if I do get them it is always on the day it starts. Damn my screwy body!

Anyway, hope it is pg symptoms for both of us, then we can be baby buddies :lol:
I'm trying to stay positive but I kind of set myself up for a fall by getting over excited when symptom spotting :wall: That'll teach me :lol: We're still in with a chance while there's no AF though :wink: By the time Friday or Saturday comes I will be desperate to test I bet! :hug:

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