hiya trish
firstly welcome to the forum
i must say i agree with louise - i think you should test first before you start worrying - you may not even be pregnant.
if the test is positive, its important you think carefully about what you need to do. If you honestly don't want to have a baby and can't face an abortion then the other alternative is adoption, but whatever you choose to do it must be your informed desision, no one elses.
i was in a similar-ish situation as you last year. i had been with my boyfriend for only 8 months at the time, and i got pregnant by accident - i was also 18 and hoping to go back to college.
i decided the best thing to do was to keep the baby - we both did want children, just not so soon as that. now i have finlay and he's 2 months old and my life isnt over by any means, i still will go back to study, yes it'll be harder but still manageable, and i dont regret our desision to contine the pregnancy.
my boyfriend has stuck by me, we're still happy, and i don't doubt that we'll be together for the for-see-able future so i guess i've been lucky. 2 weeks is such a short time to know someone - he says he'll stick around but you cant really say you know him well enough to be sure - don't let that sway you into keeping the baby. imagine you'll be bringing the child up on your own, and if he's still on the scene then it'll be a plus.
sorry to go on a bit, just to let you know theres people here to help and support you hun.
ps, i went to my local Brook clinic to discuss what to do with a counciller before we made our minds up - perhaps you could do that too