Hiya only me.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hi girls.

Sorry i havent posted in a while.

Its all been mega hecktic.. don't worry me and baby are fine ( i hope ) but ive been away for a few days as it was my birthday on monday ( 21st jan )
Ive just found out sum good news... I had a phone call from the babys father lastnite.. now hes over the shock of it all he wants to be part of the babys life so im really pleased about that.
So hopefully all the badness will go away and we can bring baby up 2gether ( not as a couple as we don't see eachother like that )

Ive also got the date for my first scan... 4th feb... I can't wait. its not coming soon enough for me.. i can't wait 2 see the lil person on the screen, i so know im gonna cry. its only my 12 week scan so i won't be able 2 see much but still im excited.

On a bad note my birthday wasent the best... having 2 stay sober and clubbing was a nightmare as my back was killing me and i was scared 2 get bumped. I won't be doing that again for a while lol

Anyway hope we are all ok. and pregs r doing well.
hope 2 speak 2 u all soon.
:hug: thats god news hun! men cause so much stress so it's great you can do it together now, it's suprising how many man go in to shock and we're stuck getting on with it, my OH ran away for a month and wouldnt talk to me as he was "in shock" i'm only just forgiving him now but he has been trying bless him :roll: just wish they didnt have to put us through the stress in the first place, it's hardly the time we need it!
Oh and not drinking is a pain! i'd be pleased you made it in to the club though, when i was 11 weeks i tried going out after our xmas meal and fell asleep at 10 :wall: not my most sucessful night
Clare x
Yeah clubbing was a nightmare.. i felt like a proper partypooper and it was my birthday lol
My friends looked after me though.. making a wall round me 2 stop any drunk people bumping into me.
and walking 2 the toliet was the funnyest thing u could ever see. My best mate shoved everyone out the way so we could get though. and being preg i was going 2 the toliet alot.
heyho.. fun and games.
Glad to hear that your doing ok! and that your baby's dad is back on the scene!

I have felt the same way about clubbing since I was PG...used to be a party animal...not anymore LOL! :rotfl:

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