Large mothers


Active Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Hi all.

Ive posted alittle about me in the introduce me bit... but i just wanted 2 ask if there is any other bbw's expecting on this forum.. for those that don't know bbw is big beautiful women.
Im worried i won't show and won't be able 2 feel the baby move as im a big girl.
can anyone help or anyone else the same?

Congratulations and welcome :) :cheer:

I don't know if I fall into this group, but I am on the curvy side and have a bit of a tummy. And I've put on weight since becoming pregnant also :roll: but I feel Baby moving clear as day and have done for a few weeks now. You tend not to notice kicks until well into 2nd tri if its your first baby I am told, so don't worry if you don't feel anything till 20 weeks plus. I can visibly see kicks also and feel Baby turn round and everything :)

I did however notice 'flutters' well before this and have since discovered it was Baby :)

I now fall in the BMI group of obese apparently. Due to pregnancy and weight gain. I was in the overweight group before this, even when a size 14/16 and not really carry much excess weight. My frame is large, I'm tall and I have broader shoulders than my hubby. Plus I carry a lot of muscle, far more than the average woman :lol: All adds up :)

As for showing, I didn't develop a baby bump till around 19 weeks. My MW told me this was normal and I was bang on target size wise. Some women get bigger bumps earlier on, some don't. I can now really see my bump though, even with my tubby tummy :lol: It is hard to miss as I have gotten rounder higher up also and it really is baby growth doing that. Shame I can't say that for the size of my ass though :roll: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just read your post in the Intro section also but thought I would nip back here to add a bit more.

Re your weight, if you have concerns about it and being pregnant I suggest you see a MW asap and arrange some sort of eating plan via a dietician so as to try to keep your weight gain down in pregnancy. It can be done for larger women and while you then will gain baby weight, you can work at keeping off other weight gain. Eating the right foods will go a long way for your baby's nutrition and your own health :)

I think my MW said to me women with a BMI of 35 and over when becoming pregnant are monitored more closely as a rule. Not sure if you would fall into this group or not. I worried about it as I've just recently hit over 30 on the BMI scale though have not been under 25 on it in years. I usually hover around 25 as a rule. So I worried I was getting to big and she told me I was fine and not to worry as my BP etc has been good and I am still very active etc and eating well. She added I'd be able to work at losing any weight gain once baby was here. So while I have my off days, I try not to worry about it now.

You can have help and advice on eating plans when pregnant so don't be afraid to ask your MW and tell her your concerns :) She'll check your weight, BP etc at your booking in appointment. I'd think that would be a good time to ask :)
im a big girl , it did take longer to feel baby , had flutters at 15 weeks , kicks at 20 but dh couldnt feel him from outside till 25 weeks . i am showing but im an awfull shape as my bump isnt round due to my pre preggy weight/shape . i also lost 2 stone in first tri and have only gained a stone of that back now .

noone can tell u wait will ahppen to your body , even thinner peeps might not show ,, you u may just baloon like you wouldnt beleive !
i am a size 20/22 and i had no probs feeling baby and i was showing from about 16 weeks but she was a big baby.

Thanks for all your replys. its nice 2 know theres people out there 2 talk 2.

At the moment being only 8 weeks gone i havent got a midwife... i only found out for sure on thursday 27th.
Im very nervous.. Listening 2 every old wives tale im being told.. not doing this not doing that.
Im a size 26 in clothes... I never thought because of my size i could get preg.. allways a god mother never the mum... i think thats why im so shocked about this. all my friends have children and how ever much i wanted one i didnt think i could.
Im dieing 2 see how everything is going but i know i have 2 wait for 20 weeks for my scan.
I havent had any sickness.. in a way thats worrying me 2... why havent i had sickness.. ive felt sick just not been sick.. is everything ok?
Im sure you lot will be sick of me by the time ive had my baby lol.

Also i can't seam 2 stop weeing.. is that normal?

be really thankfull for replys.. i may be 26 but im scared about this pregnacy and i need all the friends and suport i can get.
Happy new year
loads of love
hi hun i was never sick with mu daughter but felt sick all the time and the needing the loo is quite normal
I just want everything 2 be normal. as u can tell im really paranoid. sorry if im a pest.
Lindsay said:
I don't know why my post has been submitted in here, sorry for appearing a little strange :oops:


:rotfl: i thought it seemed a but random. I just thought you were very nice and friendly, not at all strange. :rotfl:
:hug: :hug:

Weeing lots is normal. Everything is already squishing up making room for baby and putting pressure on your bladder.

And don't worry if you are not throwing up. I wasn't sick once but felt like I was about to be all the time. It lasted till I was about 13/14 weeks and it was a 24/7 feeling. Made me miserable. Throw in the constipation and I was not a happy bunny :roll:

I'd go see your GP or book in with your MW at the local doctors asap and she'll book you in, take some details and set the wheels in motion. You may be offered a 12 week scan at your chosen hospital, but not all offer them. You don't have to stick to a hospital just because its nearest. I opted for one outside my health authority and it meant scans at different times and not having a Nuchal on the NHS but I preferred the hospital so went with it.

Feel free to drop me a PM if you want to chat about anything. Am happy to try to help and offer an ear/shoulder :)

Im also a BBW i started off a size 24/26 b4 i got preg...dread to think what size il be by the time these 2 pop out lol!!!!

This is my second preg and im 22 but If ya wanna chat send me a pm!!


I wouldnt worry about the sickness i had one day of feeling sick but that was it and your only 8 weeks theres still time for it to kick in yet.

You may get offered a 12 week scan like Sherlock said and if not maybe you could consider having a private one done to put your mind at rest. Best to go to the docs get signed a midwife and take it from there.

As for being a big girl and not showing i wouldnt worry everybodys bodies respond differently to being pregnant so i really dont think size plays a huge part.

Congrats on the baby :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hi all thanks for your replys... i feel alittle bit more at ease. still very paranoid.. allways checking for bleeding. and worrying about any twinge i get.

As for being sick... i feel abit queesy 2day. i had sum weetabix for my breakfast so i don't know if its that.

I only found out i was preg on the 27th dec so im still waiting for the midwife 2 get in touch with me.
Muggles said:
Hi all thanks for your replys... i feel alittle bit more at ease. still very paranoid.. allways checking for bleeding. and worrying about any twinge i get.

As for being sick... i feel abit queesy 2day. i had sum weetabix for my breakfast so i don't know if its that.

I think we all of us worried in first tri. And into second and beyond :roll: Its natural, just a case of learning to let it not take over your life. Twinges are normal so don't stress about them. Stretching pains as your body makes changes for baby to grow.

Weetabix is good :) Helps the constipation should it affect you. Chances are it might as everything slows down and makes room for baby. It can be really distressing if you get too constipated so make sure you get enough fibre and so on :)

Re your MW, is it her to contact you? Or can you just book in and make an appointment yourself? Check and make sure as some places its they come to you, others you have to make the appointments etc.
Well the doctor said he was going 2 write a letter 2 the hospital and the midwife will get in touch with me via that. so i don't know..
is it worth calling the doctors 2mmrow? or just phoning the hospital?
Looks like your MW is based out of a hospital so they will contact you. Had she been at your GP's surgery you'd have been able to book yourself an appointment.

I'd wait to hear from them :) If you've not heard anything after about 7-10 days I'd say chase it up. I'm really not sure of wait times as each health authority is different :roll:

Good luck and hope you don't have to wait too long :hug:
Just wanted to pop my head in and wish you congratulations on your pregnancy :cheer:
Hi, congrats on your pregnancy.

In my first pregnancy I was around a size 20 and felt great about my body whilst pregnant. I began to show around 8 weeks and felt a 'flutter' at 15 weeks.

This time round I am a size 16-18 and I feel so much worse about my body, feel very fat and frumpy! (stupid I know)

I started showing really early and at 8/9 weeks I had a very big bump. Not felt any movement yet but I guess its early days!

Every body is different and I know smaller women who have not showed or felt anything until quite late on. Everyone is different!

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