Hiya girls..


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Well what a rough day i had yesterday! phew im so glad its all over and i can start looking forward to spending quality time without being in pain or bleeding with my children!
Anyway i went into hospital yesterday, got there at 8am, :x bradley was playing up, we couldnt get any one to have him because my mum and dad are away still, he was getting frustrated bless him, wasnt his fault, anyway the anethestitst(sp) came to see me about going to sleep (i was dreading it, i thought i was never gonna wake up lol) all went ok, at 9.30am a different consultant came round and said im sorry catherine but i dont think you should have this operation, the risks outweigh everything else, im going to scan you and see if you have anything left in your uterus first before deciding what we will do.. like anything was gonna have changed from wednesday.. the pillock!

anyway i had scan and there it was a 5cm thing stuck in my uterus, even the sonographer was confused as to why i was having another scan, anyway i went bck up to my room, :dance: i had my own room as i had bailey with me, plus it was abortion day and i didnt wanna be around them lot! i was just laid there doing my cross stitch when this lady said, oh why havent you got your gown on, they have come to take you down! well no one told me i was going, the last i knew the consultant was saying i wasnt having it done and no one had been to see me after the scan :x
oh well mark had taken bradley for a walk and i was like well i cant go yet cos hes not here to look after bailey, so the nurse took bailey to sit in the office with the nurses, bless her, i got ready, my hands were sweaty, i was so nervous!

anyway i went down had it done, went to sleep dead quick, i remember saying eww im bleeding, she just laughed at me the women did.. i wasnt impressed.. found out i had been down in surgery for 2 hours.. this scared me because i was told it was only a half hour jobby! after 4 hours i was heavily bleeding still, i got up to go to the loo and wham all hel broke loose, wont say too much here but i can say i ended bck in theatre.. the dicks had cut into my uterus and thats why i was bleeding.. :x how stupid can they be, i knew there was a risk but only a small chance it would happen to me.. mark was going mad, saying i shouldnt have had to have the first op in the first place, i was embarrased but glad he spoke out really..

got bck up to my room about 8.10ish, slept for 2 hours to be told i cant carry any more children because of the damage done to my womb.. duh! do they not read my notes, ive been sterlised due to the fact of not wanting more kids, anyway if i had to have my whole womb removed then i would have gone mad, im only 25..

but i am sueing the hospital im well within my rights too and i have a solictor on my case as i type :cheer:

went to see my own gp today after i was disharged cos bailey had his 6 week check... and he was shocked to say the least.. dont worry matey im putting a complaint in about you too lmao.. he asked why and i said i shouldnt have suffered like i have if it wasnt for you i would have had this done ages ago!

i got home about 11.30am andwent to bed where i have slept for 2 hours pure bliss :sleep:
anyway sorry for the rant girls just letting you know whats up and where i been lol..

hope youve all had loads of fun, cos i aint.. thanks for the wishes and loads of hugs etc :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fooking hell :shock:

Theres no doubt about it, if that happened to me I would complain until I got some sort of justice. Don't just accept an apology, they'll probably argue that mistakes happen but at the end of the day they get paid stupid amounts of money to do their job, they shouldn't be making mistakes.

I hope you're ok :hug:
Thanks kirsty, mark complained about them cutting into my uterus and they said you signed the paperwork explaining the risks to you, so i dont think we will stand a chance on that score, but im sure we'll get somewhere as we shouldnt have been down that road in the first place!

Im ok just quite sore, my throat is killing me as well i can hardly swallow, having to have atube down your throat twice in 1 day isnt good..
Om my god that is terrible

Glad you home now tho

:hug: :hug:
It's even more shocking to read the full story! :shock:

I would definately take it further hun, all this could and should have been dealt with ages ago! :x

I hope now though you can start to feel better :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
firstly :hug: :hug: sounds like youve been through alot tbh,
but im glad you are ok now,
i dont blame you tbh, with the whole hospital thing,
some surgeons dont seem to take care, and thats not right

hope you get something out of it girly.
I would definitely sue them too. They'll probably crap themselves and offer an out-of-court settlement.
At least it's over now and you can get on with life :hug:
omg hun thts awful yes u sud sue them i wud, i wish u well hope to c u soon hun , :hug: luv joxx
Take it further if only to stop it happening to somebody else. Doctors are not god and can & should be challenged and held accountable.
sunshinestars said:
at 9.30am a different consultant came round and said im sorry catherine but i dont think you should have this operation, the risks outweigh everything else,

You sure the consultant got the right person, thought your name was Fiona :?
FeeFee said:
sunshinestars said:
at 9.30am a different consultant came round and said im sorry catherine but i dont think you should have this operation, the risks outweigh everything else,

You sure the consultant got the right person, thought your name was Fiona :?

my legal name is CATHERINE, for medical records etc, as im adopted.. i dont use catherine because everyone knows me as fiona and i had a choice! i changed my name to catherine but everyone was confused so fiona just stuck!
sunshinestars said:
FeeFee said:
sunshinestars said:
at 9.30am a different consultant came round and said im sorry catherine but i dont think you should have this operation, the risks outweigh everything else,

You sure the consultant got the right person, thought your name was Fiona :?

my legal name is CATHERINE, for medical records etc, as im adopted.. i dont use catherine because everyone knows me as fiona and i had a choice! i changed my name to catherine but everyone was confused so fiona just stuck!

She explained this a while back when the name 'Catherine' was on the top of her scan pictures :)
i don't mean to sound nasty here, and its only my opinion..

but i don't believe in sueing the NHS.
reason is, our treatments is free, and the NHS is in millions of debt already. i know it was their fault, but if it wasn't for the free treatment from the nhs, a lot of people wouldnt be here today.

i think this is because my mum had stage 4 cervical cancer 2 years ago, but while she had cancer, her kidneys also packed in and she needed stents fitted in her kidney tubes to keep them open so they could work.

we almost lost her twice but thankfully they saved her.

after the cancer had gone, she still has trouble with her bladder to this day and is currently still waiting to hear what can be done about it..

at one of her appointments last year, she had a scan and found out that the stents had been left inside her, when they should have been took out a few days later.
she has had them inside her now for over two years and thats what has been causing her pain and trouble with her bladder.

they are going to take them out on monday... and everyone has said to her, sue the hospital they shouldnt have left them in etc, because she's also had endless infections from them being left inside her, but obviously didnt know what was causing them until she found out they were left inside.

everyone said to her, sue them etc, and she thought about it, but then, getting thousands of pounds is not going to take away the last 2 years worth of pain and trouble.

it hasnt cost us a penny to save her and for all her treatment etc,....

they saved her life and are in debt upto their eyeballs but the most important thing is that my mum is still here, and thats better than any amount of money.

speech over :lol:
im sorry about your mum kimbo... :hug:

im doing it for the fact it shouldnt have hapened and i want them known it was there mistake and to warn others really..

Its more of a apology i want, I guess i have said it wrong but im not going down the line of compensation!

If ppl speak out more then ppl will know what docters are like sometimes!
sunshinestars said:
im sorry about your mum kimbo... :hug:

im doing it for the fact it shouldnt have hapened and i want them known it was there mistake and to warn others really..

Its more of a apology i want, I guess i have said it wrong but im not going down the line of compensation!

If ppl speak out more then ppl will know what docters are like sometimes!

i didnt mean to be funny so dont take it the wrong way! :hug: :hug: :hug: and i hope you get what you want :hug:
Hi SSS go for it and try and get some compensation/apology or whatever you after, if you feel like it :)

If we all actually did something about it when things went wrong, doctors etc would be more careful. Of course they do lovely, wonderful good works but we hear on here so many botches they've made too, and they don't seem to realise we are real people with real lives they are (hopefully only temporarily) botching up. If no-one complained people could treat us however we want. And not just us personally, but go on and do the same to others too.

The problem is that when we go for these ops (don't know if you did) we're usually told the risks beforehand, and I had to sign a thing saying I acknowledge there's a risk of x,y, and z but agree to go ahead.

What I mean is they may have covered there own backs through telling you the risks or you signing something. (as your hubby said.)

But your GP was wrong not to refer you earlier.

My experience of hospitals, docs etc is that they always cover their own backs and back each other up, that being assumed, I might not complain formally as however they respond would just get me more angry and upset :x

But if you can complain/sue and not get too annoyed by what their response may be/how they behave- then go for it :cheer:

I think you have to go for it with the attitude that you will have a go, and if it works out, its a bonus, but you're going to try not to get too upset if they are all !%^*ers and somehow wriggle their way out of it:)

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