hiya everyone can i join you ?question pg2


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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yes i have just this morning got my BFP!

I'm so nervous but going to enjoy my pregnancy this time!!!

By my dates i'm 6wks + 2 days and my due date will be 1.1.2008!

So here's to a good 9 months! :cheer:

Congratulations to all those who have also got there BFP's recently too! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations again and welcome to the first tri!!!!! :cheer: :hug:
Oh congrats hun, thats brilliant news :cheer:

How are you feeling?

i'm feeling nervous and excited at the min.

Still no bad symptoms like i had with my first so fingers crossed the sickness stays at bay! :D
thank you everyone i have had to do a clearblue digital which has also said 'pregnant' so i think i have to believe it now! :lol:

Take good care of yourself.
Well i'm coming down to earth again now, got up this morning not feeling to good :puke: but better in the afternoon. :dance:

I do have a question.... Am i meant to still have period type pains ??? i remember having them when carrying Owen but not like this ??? :?

Can anyone shed any light on it for me, ? i've got a doctors appointment on monday morning so i can tell the doctor if it gets any worse.
in answer to your question hun with my first 2 pregnancies bout 6-8 weeks i have some mild like period pains so i think it normal i mentioned it to doc and he said it was like growing pains but if they got too strong or there was any blood then to go back straight away.

As far as i know a lot of women get them but just keep an eye, mention it to doc and if it gets any worse get it checked out.

Hope this helps :hug: :hug:
thanks tracey i do remember getting them with owen just don't remember getting them like this :roll:
But i have a bad memory so i'll keep an eye on it. :)

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