hit and run on our cart lastnight grrrrr


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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So we're sound asleep at 3am, when we are woken up by an almighty smash and our car alarm going off. We jumped up to the window, still half asleep and for some reason I was thinking something had fallen out of the sky onto the car, and we see a renault clio has smashed into the back of our car and was wrecked (the clio).

2 lads got out the car, and we shouted out the window to ask if they are ok, and they just legged it off up the road!

So we got dressed and went outside, by which time half the street where out in their dressing gowns, to inspect the damage. The clio was full of smoke which smelled very much like weed, and the whole of its front passenger side crumpled. I dreaded what it had done to our car but guess what - just a scratch and a small dent! Haha I love saabs :lol:

Anyway we called the police and they arrived pretty quick, got a tow truck for the clio and found out who the keeper was and got our descriptions, it was someone who lives just round the corner (dont know them) but they went round there and no-one home, surprise surprise. They reckoned they had driven home from a club, drunk and smoking weed in the car, and so had panicked and just legged it. The car wasnt stolen, but they doubt it was insured.

The nice policeman is coming back tonight to let us know what the situation is, and has suggested he will get the lad to settle with us and pay for the minor damage out of his own pocket.

Im being pretty light hearted about it as there was no real damage done, but if I actually see the lad I might have to hold myself back from slapping the little git, they could have killed someone and were obviously drunk driving!!!!!
OMG it must have been scary being woken up like that.

little gits :evil: someone tore my wing mirror off once and just drove off. cost me £50 which i didnt really have :evil:
at least there wasnt too much damage done to your car hunni
but i hate people who drink and drive its so dangerous, why do it.
thats what angers me

:evil: :evil:
Thats what angers me too robyn, they had obviously been out clubbing and driven back quite happily, I wonder if its the norm for them - well theyve lost their car now and will probably be charged with leaving the scene of an accident - no way of proving if they were drunk as they couldnt be breathalised on the scene but I hope they learn something from this the little shits! I dread to think what they could cause if they dont :wall:
OMG I'm glad your car wasn't too damaged!
I can't undersatnd people who drink drive either :x it's one of the reasons I'm too scared to drive and hate being a passenger too! I bet there are so many people who do it and never get caught :x

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