Hip Problem- Physio


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi so i thought i would just share whats happening-
Got a pressure low down on my belly last week and since then haven't been able to sleep right because of hip and back pain. Im also waking up OH crying in pain in my sleep. So Midwife is sending me for physio at the hospital and said they will give me exercises and a support band to realease some pressure. She also want me to book to see the doctor for some strong painkillers to help me sleep. She said Co codamol or codeine i cant remember which. She said i can buy some less strenghth over the counter to help until i see the doctor. She thinks the baby has moved down which s causing all this and causing the strong BH i have had.

Has anyone else had this pain and what helped? xx
Ive just looked it up and its co codamol she said. x
Aahh bless u, i havent slept for over a month now because i cant sleep for to long on one side cause my hips really hurt to the point where i wake up crying, my hips feel bruised and so sore, i might mention it to my midwife next time as i am always so tired, i have found laying on 2 pillows help rather than the mattress x
Sounds like your similar to me i would tell your midwife because she may send you for physio too, she said they will give me a support to take some of the weight off my hips. Fingers crossed it works! x
I had physio twice through my pregnancy for really bad hip and back pain because my pelvis was completely out of alignment, I couldn't sleep I was in so much pain. I had to have it pulled back into place - the physio literally pulled my leg about 50 times and it was fixed. I found a v pillow helped a bit but as I got so uncomfortable and needed to turn over I ended up waking up every time to move! The physio recommended using a wheat sack or hot water bottle on my hip to help to ease some of the pain which really helped and going on your hands and knees and moving your hips in a figure of 8 as it takes the weight off of your back. x x x
Ive got a v shaped pillow but i have the same problem because i have to keep turning over as my hip hurts i wake up all the time! Its so annoying! I swear ill get a better nights sleep onces shes here x
Thanks Mrs Cw glad to know they did something to help you. Im not sleeping for long and when i do im waking up DH crying and stuff and he has to get up for work early so its not on, Im sure they will know what to do with me at the hospital i wont be the first or last to get it.

I will fish the hot water bottle out and give that a go before bed see if it helps xx

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