Hip/Pelvic pain/numbness


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Hiya girls,

So Ive got two niggles at the moment, One only happened once but it gave me a terrible shock with the pain, i was lying on my side in bed, bent a leg, and the whole front side of my pelvis suddenly felt like it had been hit by a truck .. It hasnt happened since, But I havent dont that again since Lol

The other one is more of an issue.. Is only when im sleeping that it flares up and i get a REALLY strong burning pain right on the inside of my hip joint, it either ends up in my dream or just wakes me up (more likely lol today was just weird) when i wake up im not always lying on it, sometimes i wake up on my back and its painfull , but it might be ive rolled over cause it was painfull.. Ideas?

Im gonna mention both to the family nurse tomorrow anyway.
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Not sure what it is but I keep waking up with pains in my hips! It only happens when I sleep on my side too so I've been naughty and sleep on my back!!
Well the weird thing is.. its only my right hip, I never get it in the left, even though im sleeping on the left one more!
That's strange cos I only get it in the right too!! Maybe there's a nerve that runs down that side?!
Ok last night it was both hips.. And this wont make sense atall but they were numb at the same time as this evil burning pain !? The pain also seemed to travel down my femur to my knee, so my whole upper leg was in agony. :(
ooh , perhaps you trapped something in your sleep, esp as it's changing each time, have you tried one of those massive preg pillows for bodys, I will get one soon, as I have had an operation when 20 , but half way through pregnancy, these plastic type clips things in the lower abdominal area flair up/ swell if knees together etc squishing them , and need one of thise bolster things to get good sleep.

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