Hindu wedding etiquette


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Our friends are getting married in a temple in August, he is not religious but his fiance is Hindu. I'm really excited but have no idea on etiquette for a Hindu wedding :doh: I would love to wear a sari.. am I allowed? I will probably ask her loads of questions when I see her but that probably won't be for a while yet so wondered if anyone on here could enlighten me to a few facts :D
I think a sari is ok so long as you aoid balck and white. Something bright and ornate is probably in order.
elysoun said:
I think a sari is ok so long as you aoid balck and white. Something bright and ornate is probably in order.

and red/gold I presume because that would be like wearing white to a church wedding :think:
Thanks for that link Jade. :)

I heard about the black & white being a no-no at a wedding :dance: Sounds good to me, such boring colours.

I was thinking of a Salwar Kameez like this;


Maybe not in that colour though :think: It has white in it :roll: :lol: Definately that style over a Sari though as I think I would feel more comfortable in that.

I'm dead excited. What will Jack wear :think:
elysoun said:
I think a sari is ok so long as you aoid balck and white. Something bright and ornate is probably in order.

:cheer: Good job, sick of wearing black & white :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Our friends are getting married in a temple in August, he is not religious but his fiance is Hindu. I'm really excited but have no idea on etiquette for a Hindu wedding :doh: I would love to wear a sari.. am I allowed? I will probably ask her loads of questions when I see her but that probably won't be for a while yet so wondered if anyone on here could enlighten me to a few facts :D

My friend Anita is a Hindu and I went to her wedding. Basically, it was 48 hours (!) of a job with about 5436256 people there so don't expect to see the bride and groom at all! They have certain 'steps' they have to follow which take a long time and are part of the ritual. In the meantime while it's all going on, people don't just sit and watch like they do with a British wedding, they meander in and out of the wedding tent and food tent, watch a bit of the ceremony, then eat a bit of food, talk to some of the guests...

It was all very complicated but very chilled out!!
Debecca thats exaclty what I thought.. about going in and out during the ceremony. I remember being at one when I was young, probably aged 5 and that's what I recall but OH's mate told him it only lasted about 2 hours :think: You know what men are like though. I will get full details from Dimple (the girl who is getting married) when I see her i'm sure. :D
We went to one last June. It was great and really enjoyable. Like Debecca said there will be sooooooooo many guest. We were friends of the groom so spent the evening having a party at his parents house, then the wedding started early the next morning at the temple where we were fed a bit and then went for the ceremony. After that it was off to the reception that was at Kempton Park! (a huge race course they must have been loaded) that finished at about 6pm and the party was going to continuie at the grooms parents house but I went home as I was 37weeks preggers and like a whale. The dancing is brilliant and everyone joined in buit I think ours left a bit to be desired. The food was amazing and the booze plentiful which was annoying as I couldn't touch it.

I didn't wear a sari but I think a few non-hindu women did. They are absolutley beautiful and look amazing.

Hope you have fun x
One of my best friends is Hindu, and I was lucky enough to be invited to celebrate Diwali with her family. I wore a sari which was GORGEOUS, the little thing over the top is placed wrong but this was afterwards and it was absolutely full up in the temple and very hard to breathe, I did look better before we left. :rotfl:

Needless to say, I felt like a princess!


Sorry I covered my face up.

Bear in mind I was wearing Timberland boots underneath this, and my friends SIL was wearing Ugg Boots :rotfl: tres chic!

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