high Chair Recomendation Please


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Hey Everyone.
Could you all (haha... and i mean all of you Lovely Ladies) Recomend me a High Chair, I need one that Folds/Easy to Clean/looks Nice.
I have been looking at a few, but cant choose. i dont want to get anything that is too big and clumsy. but due to lack of space. its got to fold. Can anyone help?
Thank you
x x x
I'd get the most basic one in hindsight. We got the Silver Cross Sovereign and although it's a nice comfy chair, it's very bulky and has lots of crevices for food to get lodged in. I also wanted one that reclined (cos babies fall asleep in the their food?) - well Finn has never done that! Recently we bought him one of those wooden cube chairs from Mothercare which is good. It's in the lounge like a piece of furniture and he will be able to use it to draw and colour at (when he's stopped putting the crayons in his mouth!)
I really recommend one of these : Feeding Seat. You strap it onto a dining room chair and baby can sit with you at the table. It's great for taking to other people's houses too :)

I got a big, cushioned, pretty highchair and TBH I wish I hadn't bothered- it's more to clean and the straps get filty. I am going to replace it with one of these: less than a tenner from ikea and you can buy a tray for about £2! :D

Jade&Evie said:
I got a big, cushioned, pretty highchair and TBH I wish I hadn't bothered- it's more to clean and the straps get filty. I am going to replace it with one of these: less than a tenner from ikea and you can buy a tray for about £2! :D

Yes the Ikea one is good isn't it
Yep, just wish I hadn't wasted £50 on a pink one with cushions and flowers :lol:
we wanted a highchair that folded as we haven't much room, we also wanted one that you could alter the hieght on so we could feed her at the table or if we were sat on the sofa etc, we liked the sovereign but it was a bit out of our price range so we got this......
http://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-Us/Fe ... ot(0033146)

its very comfy, summer loves it
We had the Chicco Polly for at home which we loved! Easy to fold, clean, etc!


Then we also have this one, that Arianna used to use at my SIL's and it is very easy to fold and goes completely flat

Thank you for replying. i can close this case now as we have gone for......
Chicco Polly(thank you sarah H). They look great, got great reviews, fold up, look comfy. (which was important as it could be a chair for theo to chill in (as he getting too big for his bouncer)!

thanx everyone.

For anyone else looking, we got the Chicco Polly Collage From Kiddicare £40 off at the moment £120 down to a bargain of £78!!!!

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