High blood pressure??


Sep 27, 2015
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Hi all,

I was diagnosed with HBP a few years ago and have been taking Ramipril ever since. I have just been switched onto a new tablet as Ramipril is not safe to take during pregnancy. I just wondered if anyone else has gone through a pregnancy with HBP? Did it get worse? Do the drugs still work?

I had pre eclampsia with my first pregnancy and I'm worried it will happen again. I'm also worried that my blood pressure being already high will go out of control and something awful will happen like a stroke or brain damage to the baby. It will just be reassuring to hear of any positive experiences from ladies who had a successful pregnancy with HBP

Thank in advance :)
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I'm sorry you've had no replies. I had pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy and HBP with my second, but normally I don't have any issues with my blood pressure. The pre-eclampsia with my first pregnancy started at around 28 weeks (they think) and my daughter stopped growing around 32 weeks. My blood pressure was fine for the whole of my second pregnancy (they kept a closer eye on it) and then 3 days post delivery, it sky-rocketed and my legs swelled up, so I rushed myself back into hospital and was put on labetalol and nifedipine.

All I can say is they will keep a close eye on you (I had weekly bp checks from 30 weeks onwards) and will adjust your meds accordingly. Labetalol is most often used and safe to take during pregnancy. It should keep your bp under control. A friend of mine has HBP and has had two perfectly straightforward pregnancies and deliveries, no pre-eclampsia or anything like that, so it is perfectly possible for everything to be ok.

Hope that helps a little xx
I don't have high bp normally so not what you were asking for but thought I'd add in my bit as you hadn't gotten much response. I had high bp in tri 3 both times. I also have severe asthma and the pregnancy safe bp meds are not good for asthma plus I am allergic to the steroids used to treat asthma so can't afford to take risks. I was in a bit of a bind. My mum had PE so I was worried about that. I just had plenty of rest and thankfully didn't have any problems with PE or other side effects.
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My BP was fine up until I went into labour with my daughter I was put onto labetalol and had an epidural to control my BP during delivery and continued with the labetalol until my BP returned to normal following her birth.

This time around I have been put on a daily does of 75mg of aspirin and I am seeing the consultant when I am 22 weeks I guess for them to decide the best way to monitor me.

Try not to worry if it is in your history then they will be all over it from the beginning! xx

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