
Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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argghhhhhhh my little man has constantly got the hiccups, was quite nice to feel him, but now its through the night, and quite alot through the day, its starting to worry me :think: is anyone else getting this, any tips to sooth his little problem, unless he is just greedy as dont they swallow the fluid to get ready for milk?? is he just drinking toooooo much :think: xxx
My first baby had hiccups all the time and it continued after he was born. This one hasnt had them at all or if he has I havent felt them!

I dont think it causes any harm though :)
Libby has hiccups at least twice a day, usually first thing in the morning and then once more at some point.....I know what you mean though it is frustrating.

Trixipaws.....you'll know when baby had them, its like rythmic pattern of bounces inside your tummy, kinda like when you have hiccups, but you'll feel regular pops in your tum.

Nothing you can do to help him, I stroke my tummy when she had them but I don't think it does her any good, I just try to comfort her - as personally I hate having the hiccups myself so I automatically assume she doesn't like it either :hug:
Jacob used to get bad hiccups in my tummy and still gets them at least once a day now! I don't think there is anything you can do, i guess its nice just to feel them!
amy said:
argghhhhhhh my little man has constantly got the hiccups, was quite nice to feel him, but now its through the night, and quite alot through the day, its starting to worry me :think: is anyone else getting this, any tips to sooth his little problem, unless he is just greedy as dont they swallow the fluid to get ready for milk?? is he just drinking toooooo much :think: xxx

yes, Oliver gets them loads at least 2-3 times a day, it is definitly a good sign because it shows that the baby is practising the swallowing reflex which helps them to breathe better when they are born :D

although if babies dont get them it doesnt make a difference x
mine is 2-3 times aday also - and thier so strong. If she hasd them at night it keeps me awake till they stop. Sooo cute tho.
little madam had them alot at 1st but now not so much..

and it is completely harmless... i read that they are not the same has how we have them. they quite like it :D
thanks for replies, feel better that your little ones are getting them as well, not long now though, then i can help little man out a bit more..... xxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dylan had hiccups the other day.I told A and he shouted boo...His hiccups stopped immediately and he never moved again for another hour till I got into bed LOL
neeko_1 said:
i read that they are not the same has how we have them. they quite like it :D

I wonder who comes up with all this stuff sometimes...I mean, how do they know they like it? :?
In my house i always say hiccups are a sign of growing :D

My LO gets them about twice a day and don't think baba likes them, after so long LO starts really moving about as though they are annoying.
oldermum said:
In my house i always say hiccups are a sign of growing :D

My LO gets them about twice a day and don't think baba likes them, after so long LO starts really moving about as though they are annoying.

awwwwwwwwwwww how cute :D
Jamie always hiccuped, it was so funny watchin my bump bounce!! :lol:
he still gets them now but not as bad
Oooooooh the hiccups are so funny, for me I get the belly bounce and also where you would wee from (sorry TMI), it feels like its open and closing ever so slightly and quickly with every hiccup, its the weirdest feeling but makes me smile everytime :lol: I have read that sweet flavours are more appealing to LO's and makes them drink amniotic fluid faster which adds to more hiccups, so staying away from sweet foods may help ease it if you don't want them at a particular time, though that doesn't explain them if you get them as you wake up of a morning hehe

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