
Mrs M

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
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Hello Everyone

I think I'll be spending quite a bit of time on here this year, as I am WTT til Xmas. I have 2 children already, dd is 4 and ds is 20 months. I am desperate for a 3rd baby to complete my family, but have to wait.

I am waiting until the age gap is a bit bigger as I struggled with 2.5 year difference, so I am waiting until ds is 3 and in nursery 2.5 days per week - and also I have to work on my dh!

We always said we would have 3, but after ds was born and we had one of each we both said we were good as we were. But now ds doesn't need me so much I am feel broody all over again! But I am going to hang on so I can enjoy the pregnancy more and also enjoy my 3rd and final baby so much more!

So after all that, is anyone else waiting until Dec/January time try?

Hi Claire and welcome :)

Me too, we can't TTC until Dec/Jan either but I'm already stalking pregnancy forums hehee.. lets see if we can last that long! I came off the pill about 10 days ago (as it was making me feel a bit blank and miserable) so I'm blaming that for the crazy broodiness right now...I'm sure it will settle down soon. If I get preggers as quickly as I did last time come Dec my first little lady will be about two and 4 months, was it really a handful?

I just struggled a bit. I felt I had no time with the new baby as dd was still a bit younger than we wanted. We were trying for ds but I didn't expect to fall in the first month of trying as it took 6 months first time round! Ha!

In the house it was all fine, and we got into a routine really quickly, but my dd was used to being out the house every day. All the things she loved doing were no longer possible as I had to either take someone with me or I had to carry a newborn around. To be honest as well I think I might have had a touch of PND, as it was such an effort to leave the house. I loved weekends when dh was off and we could do things, or on Tuesdays when my mam came round and we'd go out. Don't let me put you off though - I think it was just me! Once DD started nursery for a couple of afternoons, and my parents started taking her on a Friday I enjoyed it all way more. I just felt a bit sorry for the little one who had no real one on one time.

I need to do it one more time so I can get past all those guilty feelings I had and still have! Also if I wait until Xmas, DS will be in nursery 2.5 days so I will get my time with little one.

Sorry I didn't mean to go on quite so much!
Hey no that's quite alright

Yes I guess it's hard for the first borns to understand that they can't have all the attention or go out and do all the things they want anymore, for a while, and it's a different kettle of fish when you can't dedicate everything to your new born. These are things I'll have to think about and other stuff..for example I can get my head down for a kip when my dd has her morning snooze - but that won't be the case with baby 2 as I will have a toddler too. I have two close friends who are literally any day about to have their second babies, one with a 2 yr old and one with a 4 yr old. So I'll be interested to see the differences. Your two might be more used to sharing their time now as well as nursery time freeing you up, sounds like a good plan. Like the practical thinking :) x
Hi Mrs M, :wave:

Welcome to WTT. We are trying from August so not as long to wait as you and Stacey but I thought I say hi and good luck with the waiting part. It is much fun on forums, support is important.
Welcome to our WTC group Mrs M :wave: theres a few of us now, all WTC until later on this year/early next year :)
We are all here to support one another and hopefully keep each other sane in what seems like a lifetime wait before TTC!
I will be TTC around Sep time this year, so a little bit before yourself and Stacey, lets hope it happens quickly for us all when the time comes.

Following on your concerns with the age gap, Im afraid I cant help with this, my son is almost 14. Im hoping he can sort himself out/keep himself occupied when LO is here. A concern of mine is... where he is a typical stroppy teen, I worry he might feel neglected when LO is here, as he has been an only child for 14/15 years and will not be used to sharing me/my time, and the other is, having a screaming baby in the house when he is studying for his GCSE's.... maybe a big gap isnt the answer either. Who knows, not much I can do about it, we will just have to make it work :)
Thanks for replying ladies

My 2 absolutely love each other now! A lot of my struggles were also my own guilt! I felt like my poor girls life was turned completely upside down, and at the same time my boy was neglected! Stupid really cos to look at us now, neither of them are at all affected, and having each other has brought them on in so many ways!

Wow! 14 year gap! It'll be like you're a first time parent again. Everything has changed so much in the 2.5 years between my 2! Lol! Sometimes the right thing for one couple isn't always the right thing for the next!

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