Hi i'm a newbie!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hello i'm lynsey 22 and have a 2 year old DS with my partner of 5 years.
Last night we decided we would like another so are now TTC.

Question though.

Yesterday morning i took my last pill in the pack (am on Yasmin) and now i am waiting for my withdrawal bleed.

Is it ok for us to TTC straight away?? or should i wait for my 1st real period to come along??

i conceived DS #1 after 4 months of the depo perova injection leaving my system, but i was on that for 4 years and this time round have only been on yasmin two years so am hoping for a quicker BFP, Also hoping for a quick BFP before DP has a chance to Change his mind lol!!

I'm going to start taking Folic acid first thing tomorrow but is there anything else i can to to help me conceive quicker??

With DS we just went with the flow and just let it happen.

thanks for any answers and look forward to getting to know you all!
Lynsey xxx
Hey I am jess I am 23 married for just over a year aug2008 and hve a little girl who is 4 didn't want to read and run and just wante to welcome you to the forum!! Look forward to your posts! :) 
hey, im laura 23 from wales.
Im a newbie to this site, been trying properly for a few months now, i am looking for some advice :-) xxx
hi, is there anyone here that can help me?? i dont know where to start, my 1st day of my last period was on the 1st dec,i have a 32 day cycle. I have really really sore boobs and my stomach feels like i have done a million sit ups?!? i do not exercise, i have no idea what to think and are too scared to take a test for a neg result :-(
Laura - why dont you start a new thread in the TTC section so it doesnt get lost on this one here :flower:

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