Hi to you all


Active Member
Sep 26, 2008
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Hi I'm Abi
I have just joined this website and wanted to introduce myself...

Im tryin to concieve again after 2 mc's this year..last one being April so I hopping to get that bfp soon! Im on CD14 so going for it at the mo!!

Anyway hope to get to know you all

x :D
Thank you Minxy

I have got 2 boys already but one is 13 and other is 6...just want one more!!!

Are there many of yu here tat have had mc too and are now trying again?
We do have some members, and a fabulous M/c and loss section that offers a lot of support to those TTC after loss :D
Hi Abi :wave:

Welcome to the forum and good luck with TTC :hug:

Everyone here is great and if there is anything you need to know just ask :D

Kate xx
Arh thanks girls it nice to feel welcome and thanks for letting me know about the mc forum too...
I just want to be positive now and just get on with the ttc bit!!

Hopefully this will be my month! I was really upset last month that i didnt get my bfp, was sure it was going to happen - just getting really impatient now!
Hi :wave: :wave: I know women can multi task but you're typing and going for it at the mo? :rotfl: :wink:

I had a miscarriage, this is my 2nd cycle trying since, although last one we only did it the once so was a token gesture really.

Sorry to read about yours and hope you get lucky soon :hug:
Lol I've taken a little break to go to work today !
But straight back at it when i get home :dance:

Is everyone as crazy about charts and ttc as I am - I feel like I'm driving myself nuts with it all, but just cant help it..its like an obsession!
Ps and I wanted to say sorry for your loss too - its nice everyone is so positive here Ive been reading lots of posts and its great!
I think it doesnt take long to get obsessed with charts and stuff. I thought I wouldnt bother with all that but I am!
You should come over to the chart stalker thread so we can see your temps and obsess with you :dance: Most people use fertility friend but i use pen and paper :D

And thanks, I think this site helps people get through alot of the bad stuff as well as the good :)
Where do you get all the tickers and bits from ?
If i knew I would be covered in them!! :lol:

I count mine on my mobile phone calender all these reminders etc go off my lh just thinks Im mad!
I got most from this site in the technical section, and the count down one just click on it and you can create one :)
Not great with this IT stuff! I got a ticker just got to work out how to put it on here now! lol!

Im going home soon thank god, been a hard week at work!
Have a nice weekend and i am sure i will be back on Monday!

Abi ixx
hiya welcome to the ttc section, i had a mmc 3 and a half months ago and fell pregnant in my 2nd cycle after the mmc i have 2 children too my son is 6 and daughter is 4 i wish you all the luck ttc and i hope your not trying for long :D :hug: :hug: :D
Hiya hun, welcome to TTC :wave:

If you go into your signature (user control panel at top right of screen, then profile, then signature), you post the code for your ticker in there and submit :hug:

Come and join us in the October testing thread :hug: :hug:
hi and welcome to the forum good luck ttc, sorry for your previous losses :hug:
Hi there, sorry to hear about your loss, but good luck ttc, I hope you don't have to wait too long. :hug:

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