hi need help!! so confused


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Dec 3, 2008
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My af was due dec 1st..no signs yet..good god!! no symptoms of AF or pregnancy ..I am so confused..don't want to test as am so scared. I am writing in this forum as I also want to know what time people tested..and ur symptoms..

I have a 4 yr old son..last time I had lots of symptoms..when I got pregnant with him..

please suggest what to do??
A lot of the pregnancy tests now show up a couple of days before AF is due, at the very least on the day after, so if you were to do a test tomorrow morning, the HCG levels should show up enough to register on a test. All pregnancies are different, I was symptom city with my first and current pregnancy, but very little with my son who was born last year. Hope you get the result you're happy with :hug: :hug: :hug:
First Response are usually pretty damn sensitive. Clearblue digital give you a definite answer in unmistakeable words. But then some of the pound shop cheap tests do the job just as well. Depends what you can get hold of. Best testing with first wee of the day though as it is strongest. (Do what I did and wee in a pot and test when you get home with the tests) :hug:
M&Ms said:
(Do what I did and wee in a pot and test when you get home with the tests) :hug:

I used Boots own tests and did as above - wee'd into an old plastic pot (well washed out) and dipped the test into it. I was fed up trying to get the stick into a stream of pee I went for the easy route - tmi?

The Boots ones showed a BFP and I was only between 3 days and no days late from my period.
i used first response test, i knew i was pregnant because i was feeling so sick and tired for a good few weeks but didn't feel ill.

hope you get the result you want :hug:
thanks..i am planning to test tomorrow i really want a positive but my husband is not ready for a positive as he only wants one child..

i think one more wud be good....

please wish me luck send some baby dust my way...so i can join u in this forum.

still no symtoms of AF or pregnancy..just thick white CM...any idea why?????
I THINK I was about 2 weeks overdue when I tested and it came up positive right away (I was on the pill so my periods were all over the place anyway so can't really be sure). But anyway, if you get First Response it can be used up to 4 days before your period is due so it should pick up on any hormones quite easily now that you are late. Then again.. the test I used was £2.99 for a two pack and that did the trick for me :rotfl:

Also, you might not have any symptoms at this early stage, even if you did with your first. Every pregnancy is different even for the same woman. As for the thick white CM, I think that increased discharge is a sign of pregnancy... probably differs from person to person though.

Anyways, good luck :hug:
so sad....I tested got a BFN...still no AF..no symtoms..feeling stressed and tired..

no support fom DH.. :(
picky said:
so sad....I tested got a BFN...still no AF..no symtoms..feeling stressed and tired..

no support fom DH.. :(

I'm really sorry to hear that chick... maybe the fact that you are feeling so stressed and run down is what's affecting AF?

You really should sit down and talk to your DH about all this... he needs to be there for you and if you really want another baby it needs to be discussed not just a flat out 'no' because he says so.

Keep your chin up, if you need to chat we are all here and thinking of you :hug:

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