hi mum's to be . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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i have a 5 month little boy and put him on sma milk,and he wakes up for a feeds every 3 hours though the night iv just changed his milk from sma to cow and gate and now he goes 5 hours so if your going to bottle feed i would use cow and gate as its milker SMA is like water just to let you no cos iv had 5 month of 3 hour feeds i wish i would have start with cow and gate x x x
I might have to try that! I can push charley to 5 hours but it's normally every 3 hours and he's on sma gold.
Did he notice the difference?
i have a 5 month little boy and put him on sma milk,and he wakes up for a feeds every 3 hours though the night iv just changed his milk from sma to cow and gate and now he goes 5 hours so if your going to bottle feed i would use cow and gate as its milker SMA is like water just to let you no cos iv had 5 month of 3 hour feeds i wish i would have start with cow and gate x x x

Have you started Weaning him yet or is he just on Milk?
That may make a difference too.

I kept my Son on SMA Gold till he was 9 months old, but introduced a small amount of Solids from 4 months, such a Rusk with Milk for breakfast and dinner, as it fills them up more :)

All Milk's work differently for each baby, so it is trial and error.

I will be sticking to SMA this time round too, as i've never had a problem with it.
iv being feeding him baby pots though the day and sma on the night he was sleeping only 3 hours but when i changed to cow and gate his sleeps some times 5 to 6 hours now

i understand it can be differnt from baby to baby
my son started on cow & gate and fed every 2hrs for the first few months & then switched to "hungry milk" soon after (cow & gate) and he still went no more than 3hrs for ages until we started weaning. I would definitely say it depends on baby & on whether they're having a growth spurt, teething, ill etc etc...
they say sma is more like breast milk, and sounds like it could be true as breast fed babies tend to wake more than bottle fed. nice of you for the tip, i have used both sma and cow and gate different babies liked different things. I found th ebest thing that worked was water, when they got to a certain age and i knew they were waking up ou of habit and were having plenty in the day, i gave them water in the night they never woke in the night again.
Is the cow and gate milk that annoying advert with the laughing babies?! If so then I will not be using it as it's had negative reports. In fact thy were forced to remove the advert (think they have recently brought a new advert back) with the massive bottle o milk in it because of it's iron claims (how much iron yoir toddler needs to prevent development problems) "i.e cows milk is usless, your baby will get all the iron it needs from our small pot of milk". A lot of mums apoarently gave up on breastfeeding and used the follow on milk because they were concerened they were not giving the baby enough iron!!

When my husband an I first saw the advert we noticed the disclaimer straight away, and were like WTF?! So for the reason for being very misleading we won't use it...breastfeeding and sma for us for now.
Is the cow and gate milk that annoying advert with the laughing babies?! If so then I will not be using it as it's had negative reports. In fact thy were forced to remove the advert (think they have recently brought a new advert back) with the massive bottle o milk in it because of it's iron claims (how much iron yoir toddler needs to prevent development problems) "i.e cows milk is usless, your baby will get all the iron it needs from our small pot of milk". A lot of mums apoarently gave up on breastfeeding and used the follow on milk because they were concerened they were not giving the baby enough iron!!

When my husband an I first saw the advert we noticed the disclaimer straight away, and were like WTF?! So for the reason for being very misleading we won't use it...breastfeeding and sma for us for now.

Yeah that's cow and gate but toddler follow on milk and not for newborns. What does the disclaimer say? I was planning on using sma as most folk I know who use formula use sma.

In the advert it says your child will need this much if milk to get the iron it needs (insert massive bottle) year it says "cows milk is not a goo source of iron". The thing ifthey make out tht your child will not have enough iron if you don't give it this follow in milk...i've seen on other forums that it's confused a lot of people-they actually think thy are not giving their child enough iron. According to other mums ASA were involved over the advert...it annoys me when companies make stupid claims that confuses people, especially when it comes to children.

Tbh it's just marketing anyway, it's like saying pantene will give you super glossy, healthy hair.

Yeah I'll be using SMA if I need to use forumla as it's been around longer, been used by millions, all my family have used it and I like how it's doesn't over Market itself on tv-do they even do TV marketing?

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