hi got a weird question.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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well basically my husband came home last night and asked me if i want to start trying for baby number 3... my daughter is 3 months now so will be 1 if i concieve this month what i want to know has any one got children with 1 year age gap is it hard work with a new born and a one year old who is crawling and learning to walk...... id love to add another addition to our family would this be the right time or wait a while??
thanks ladies
caz86 said:
well basically my husband came home last night and asked me if i want to start trying for baby number 3... my daughter is 3 months now so will be 1 if i concieve this month what i want to know has any one got children with 1 year age gap is it hard work with a new born and a one year old who is crawling and learning to walk...... id love to add another addition to our family would this be the right time or wait a while??
thanks ladies

OK sorry but I really think you need to give your body a break, its spent 9 months going though all those hormones it takes a while to recover and get back to normal,
Wouldnt it be a bit better to give yourself time to get your body back to some sort of normal and give you time to enjoy your new baby,

yes a one year age gap isnt bad, but do you really want to be heavily pregnant with a baby not yet walking?

Sorry prob not explaining myself to well!

Congrats on the newist arrival though!!
Hi, i think you are really going to have yours hands full if you fall pregnant right now... i was tired and cranky uncomfortable, unable to sleep, always having to go to appointments at the doctors/hospital etc, for 9 months and having a little one and having to go through all that will be nothing short of exhausting!!! Personally i wouldnt dream of the idea but then im only trying now for number 2 and DD is 10 years old! (but thats due to other reasons... like finding the right partner, ha ha) I would enjoy your little one if i were you, enjoy the little bit of free time you have at the moment and wait for her to be a bit more independant e.g. no nappies, on solids, walking etc. Its your choice of course but thats what i would do :hug:
my mum had me and my brother within 11 months and found it really hard in the beginning however she chose to do it this way and she says she doesn't regret it at all. i don't know whats worse really waiting a bit and then you are having a newborn and a terrible 2 year old and then you start getting into potty training etc, everyone is differrent you have to do what is right for you x :hug:

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