hi girls


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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for about the last moneth i have not been gettin on at ll well with my parents! i use to do all my parents house work etc but then B had a lil accident nuttin serious and i was told that i was a bad mum and he should be made top of my responsibiltys, i took this to heart as any mother would so thought d cut down a lil on house work and spend more time with Braydon,
but today we were having tea i couldnt eat as im not to feeling well so i thought to be polite ill sit at the table!! well neway wen mum ddad and my sis had finished there dinner dad asked me to tidy up after dinner and i sed could i not do it tonite as i really wasnt feeling well. and to which my dad and mum sed u dont help round the house u dont look after ur son all u do is sit on ur arse all day long and if u dont start helping u should leave, i do everything to help my mum and dad i admit that i have slowed the housework down to spend time with B but i thought that is wot they wanted!!
and on top of that i am being 'bullied' by someone at work and if i make a complaint she gets aload of people to complain about me so i have no where to go with that!!
the reason i am writing all this in here i think everything is getting on top of me to much all i do is cry i feel sick n stressed the whole time and generally feel ill!! i feel like i have no where to turn as everyone is against me and i am a bad mum a bad daughter a bad worker and i dont know why i bother any more

sorry im prob just being really silly
:hug: :hug: :hug: Sarah. No-one should have to accept bullying. I was bullied at school, something which still affects me today and it is such an isolating experience. Is there no-one you can talk to. Perhaps keep a diary or records of what has been happening so you have a log of what you have to go through.

As for your family I don't know what to suggest hun. I see you are moving out which I hope will be soon.

If things are getting on top of you, please see your Dr as they can help. If nothing else they will be able to provide evidence that where you are living is affecting you emotionally. You are not a bad mother or a bad person at all, you can tell how much you love B and how much you put him first from your posts.

:hug: hun, take care.
ah sarah i'm sorry people are making you feel c**p.

Bullies will always try some trick of getting you not to tell, its no different to the playground. i think i would persaonlly jump in first and expalin her threat to your boss. i'm sure if its all looked into properly they will easily be able to see the others are making stuff up. Beanies idea of a diary or log is a great one - will make it look better if they do lie about it.

Maybe you could have a sit down with your mum and dad and explain how you spend your day. ask if they feel there is anything else you could fit in and maybe try to compomise. sounds to me like you are all getting on top of each other and peoples tempers are wearing thin. what your dad said souned like someone snapping and saying something they knew would hit the mark. try not to take it to heart too much (easier said than done i know)

hope things seem better soon hun. at least you can let it out on here though!

and no you are not being silly, its clearly upset you ( i think it would any of us).

Aw Sarah I had no idea you felt like this. I agree with what beanie & Em said and can't really add to it but I'm sending you big hugs :hug:
Awww Sarah :hug:

You need to talk to someone about it, if you really don't feel you can talk to your parents then maybe a close friend or even your GP if you are feeling ill because of it.
sending you hugs too sarah!! :hug:

Have you tryed telling your mum what you think... like what you just told us? I know what its like when you get old and still live at home, me and my mum was ALWAYS fighting and she would say the same to me that i did nothing around the house and I would argue that i did!

I can honestly say moving out was the best thing i did.... when i first went i missed my mum and baby sis sooooo much but I get on so well with my mum now and we are like best friends again.

I understand it is harder for you are you dont have your OH to fall back on, but I am sooo sure you are a strong enough person to do it on your own... dont tell my OH but if anything happened with us I know I'd be strong enough to do it!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks girls (((HUGS)))
i have tried speaking to my parents on a rare occasion we were actually getting on the other day,
today iv made a reall big effort to help did everything with a very upset ILL baby who iv had to take to the docs but then my sis came in and sed she thought shed pop out for two mins as she had done all the house work which she hadnt shed been out all day and guess wot mum believed her so we have just had the same ol arguemnent again
and wen she sed seriously sarah its help or out, i sed ull be glad to know then iv sent off for an application pack she sed i know i saw it on ur PC last nite (had obv accidently left it up wen i had goen to have a bath) god i feel like i am going crazy
oh and to make things better scum of the earth my ex who cant afford to spend one penny on his son has just moved into a flat with his best m8 £600 a month so he pays 300 and like then food elec everything on top

Hunnie youve been telling me all this for months now and its so not fair, you deserve way better hun, your an excellent mother, and daughter and from what you tell me a great worker.
Your parents are so unfair to you i hope you get somthing worked out even if that means to move.
Good luck hunnie and im always here :)

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