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Jul 15, 2005
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Hi, I'm Juls & I'm 5 months pregnant with our first baby. I'm excited, nervous & scared. I would love to speak to other mums-to-be who are going through all the changes that come with pregnancy along with the worries too.
Hey uve come to exactly the right place. Hope everything is goin good for u. Do you know the sex of ur baby yet.

bec x x
Hi Juls

Welcome aboard!! How is your pregnancy going so far?

Hi LB & Bec, thanks for your replies & welcomes. We don't know the sex yet as we have our 5 month scan next week (Wednesday) but neither my husband nor I want to know, just a long as everything is there & in it's correct place & we'll b over the moon. I'm a lot better now than I was. In the first 3 months it was awful, I couldn't stop being sick, got gastroenteritis, lost lots of weight...but now I'm much better, I can eat, which is great but I'm so tired & recently very accident prone & keep dropping things - I don't know if that's anything to do with the pregnancy or not??? What about both of you? When are you due, have you been well???

Juls x :D
Hi Juls,

I have been very accident prone since being pregnant. I've managed to burn myself on the oven and the iron at least 5 times so far and I dropped my cup full of juice all over the carpet last week!! In fact I have dropped lots of things!! How weird!! Maybe it's because our centre of gravity has shifted!!
Hi BubbleOne,

It's good to know that I'm not going mad with all the wee accidents that have been happening to me lately. How have you been apart from being a bit accident prone? have you had ur scan, do u know the sex? We've got our scan on Wednesday - I'm excited & a bit nervous, just hope everyting is okay. Feeling lots of movemnts now. When is ur due date?

Juls x
Hi Juls!

I had my 20 wk scan 2day ( 20 wks and 4 days )... It was so clear and amazming I loved It.. I feel baby kick all th time too...But unfortunatly I coud not find out thesex as baby was moving about a bit too much!
But I got the all ok, So Im happy!

Good Luck with your scan, Let us all know how it goes..
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
Hi Danielle,

That's great news u were given the ok at ur scan. Were u really disappointed abt not getting to know the sex? We don't want to know just as long as everything is fine we'll be happy. Thanks for ur luck - will keep u posted.

Juls x
Hi Juls,
How was your scan? Did you find out the sex of your baby?
I had my 20wk scan last Tuesday. All was fine but me and OH didn't want to find out the sex so we'll just have to wait and see. I figured wondering about the sex might give me something to focus on when I am in labour!!

Didn't feel Bubble kick until about a week ago so I was getting a little worried but can definately feel it now!! Went to see midwife yesterday and she got a kick when she was trying to find heartbeat!! Seems to go mad if I poke or prod but I cant resist!!

My due date is 26th November. I'm so excited!! Can't believe how quick my pregnancy is going though. I seem to be wishing it away but I think I'll quite miss having a bump!!

I've had no real problems at all. Been so lucky. Sailed through my first trimester with just nausea, tiredness and headaches. Felt terrible between about 15 and 18weeks and was sick a few times and had really bad headaches. I'd say I was budding around then rather than blooming!!! But since then I have been fine again. Baby is still very low so Midwife will keep a check on that but didn't seem worried.

I've also been having terrible dreams. People (strangers) are always getting hurt or shot or something. They wake me up and I cant sleep for hours after.
I lost a dear friend in the London Bombings and I had a dream last night that I was at his funeral and he was talking to me telling me he was fine and happy. I'm not very spititual but I feel like it was him telling me that I don't need to be upset or angry about it anymore!! Sounds silly!!

Speak Soon xxxx
Hi BubbleOne,

Glad to hear that ur scan was okay last week. We just had ours today & are so relieved that everything was okay. I was just so worried incase there was something wrong - think I worry too much!! We didn't want to know the sex whICh was just as well cus we were told that the baby was such a wriggler & wouldn't stay at peace so they couldn't tell the sex anyway - it will be even more of a surprise come December. Have you started buying things yet? I'm just a wee bit scared to buy anything just yet but I'm not sure if there's a rite or wrong time to start.

I'm feeling heaps better than I was in the first few months but still really tired, can't be bothered doing much after working full-time but my OH is great - thankfully. Have been feeling little Passenger moving & jumping or kicking (not sure which) lots recently & I seem to feel bigger all of a sudden but everyone keeps saying that I'm "neat". So long may that continue so it might be easier to get back into shape afterwards. I'm up nearly every nite in the middle of the nite to go to the toilet, Passenger must be bouncing on my bladder so I don't think that's helping with my tiredness having broken nites sleep but better get used to that eh!!

I was really sorry to hear about ur friend, the whole thing is a complete tragedy & I don't think u were being silly about thinking that ur dream was ur friend's way of telling u it's okay. I'm not spiritual really either but I believe that sort of things do happen.

Take care of you & Bubble. Talk to u soon

Juls x
Hi Juls,

Well I have been buying things since day 1!!! In fact we were buying things before I even knew I was pregnant.
I guess it would have been a bad idea had I lost the baby but I just couldn't help myself!!
We now have everything except the moses basket and a breast pump. I finished decorating the nursery on Wednesday but need to buy curtains and lamp shade.
I'm still doing fine. Not so many bad dreams lately but still find it really hard to get into a deep sleep. I just seem to doze all night. I've also had a pain down my left side for weeks now on and off. It feels like a trapped nerve and it's always worse in the mornings. It runs from my lower back, down past my bum to the top of my leg (lol). I think it may be because I still lay on my back. I try and sleep on my side but always seem to wake up on my back!! Have you heard anything about sleeping on your back affects the blood flow to baby?

How are you doing lately?
Hope to hear from you soon xxx
BubbleOne xxx
Hi BubbleOne,

It was good to hear from you & glad ur doing ok. You are so organised with things for Bubble. We haven't really bought anything & the nursery hasn't even been started yet but there's not much to do really just redecoratiing.

Glad to hear that ur not having so many bad dreams now, I have been having some weird dreams this past week. Sometimes ur dream seems to have something to do with things that are going on but some of them I just can't figure out!! I have also been trying to avoid lying on my back because I had read somewhere that it does restrict the blood flow to the baby but I'm not sure whether it's true or not. I've been finding sleeping positions getting more difficult 'cus I normally sleep on my tummy & now with not being good to sleep on ur back - what's left??

I've been doing ok lately thanx, still tired but otherwise okay. A few niggly pains in my back but nothing too bad. Can't believe that I could go on maternity leave next month, where has the time gone? I've no intention of going on mat. leave until November (if all is going well) & take the time after Passenger is born. How about you?

Take Care & talk to u soon

Juls xx
Hi Juls,

I will post a pic of my nursery on here when I get a chance xxx We just painted it magnolia and brought some big jungle wall stickers to make it look a little more colourful!!

I have possibly been a little too organised!! When we walk around Mothercare or get catalogues through the post I see lots of nice clothes etc but can't really buy them as we have too many all ready!! So we end up either buying them and wasting our money or walking out wishing we had brought it but knowing deep down we just don't need it.

I'm glad Passenger is doing fine. Bubble has been a little less active for the last 4 or 5 days but I still get the odd kick so won't panic yet!!
I've finally reached the 24week mark!! I feel like it's a bit of a milestone. Apparantly Bubble would now have a 75% chance of survival if born. Obviously don't want that to happen but it's very reassuring to know xxx
Are you past 24weeks?

Take care and speak soon xxx

BubbleOne xxx
Hi BubbleOne,

Looking forward to seeing a picture of ur nursery, I bet it's lovely. We are also thinking of doing ours in creams & neutral colours. I suppose we had better think of starting it soon but my husband is busy finishing other DIY bits n bobs just now.

It must be so easy to buy too many clothes, there are just so many lovely things out there. We haven't bought anything yet but I'm now coming round to the idea that we should start soon because you hear of some mums giving birth 6 weeks early & we don't want to be caught out thinking we've got plenty time & then all of a sudden we don't!! My mum has knitted a lovely, tiny white cardigan - it's gorgeous but hard to believe that something so small will fit into it. It's their first grandchild so they are so excited.

It's weird how u say that Bubble has been a little less active lately because I was just saying that to my husband the other day. Passenger hasn't been moving around as much but in saying that when we were at the midwife last week she could just hear the heartbeat & then Passenger started wriggling about - it was quite amusing - as if s/he was saying leave me alone I'm having a snooze!

I fully understand what u say about 24 weeks being a milestone. I also read in a magazine about the chances of survival around this date. I know we don't want to think about things like that but I just think it's natural & a bit calming to know. I am 24 weeks next Monday, so I am too looking towards this date.

I'm still feeling really tired. I've had a few days off work on annual leave & it's been great. Sometimes I have a snooze during the day, sleep well at night then wake up & have the cheek to feel tired in the morning. Nearly every night I'm having strange dreams. I wake up & think what on earth was that all about. How about you?

Hope you & Bubble are fine. Take care & talk soon

Juls xx
Hi Juls,

Well I am still doing fine. How about you?
Bubble is moving lots again now and the movements are beginning to wake me up in the middle of the night!! Along with the toilet pit stops and the constant need to change position!!
Never mind though. There are still people out there who are having it much harder than I am.
We have finally stopped shopping for baby bits!! All we need now is a breast pump and a travel cot and then we're done.
This will be my mum's first grandchild and she too has had the knitting needles out!! I have some lovely cardigans and a hat so far!! It will also be my nans first great grandchild so she too has been knitting some cardigans and a blanket!! They are all really nice though so I am very grateful.
I'm still getting very tired but trying not to nap in the day with the hope that I'll sleep better at night.
I'm still having weird dreams too. They are normally very violent and people are trying to kill me or my dog and my OH is always just standing there and not trying to save us!! Paranoia obviously!!
Well we are both past 24weeks now and nearing the end of the 2nd trimester!! How do you feel about it all? A little overwhelmed?
I just can't believe how fast it's going. Although apparantly the last 10 weeks drag a little!!
Hope everything is ok with you and passenger? xxx
Speak soon xxx
BubbleOne xxx
Hi BubbleOne,

Was good to hear from you & that you're doing fine. I'm doing okay thanks, still tired & getting ore uncomfortable at night, lots of sleepless nights & broken sleep but other than that doing fine. Had a bit of fright with an unexplained rash that was appearing for about a week every night but that seems to have disappeared as quick as it came - strange.
I'm feeling a bit more like a 'weeble' - do you remember them? Finding it a bit more awkward getting out of a seat etc nowadays. But that's just one of the joys of pregnancy as my mum keeps saying.
You've done so well with getting organised for the baby, we have so much to do. I had a meeting with the Maternity Co-ordinator at work today & I've just got a bit of a shock - I've only got 7 weeks to work cus I've got holidays to take before maternity leave starts. So I've got lots to get sorted at work, things to organise at home, things to buy for the baby & to think about being organised earlier for Christmas....aagghh!!!! It just seems to have come round all of a sudden even though we've had ages to plan.
I've got plenty movement now aswell, still getting used to it. My husband loves it when he feels Passenger move, he sits & talks to my tummy for ages & the other night Passenger actually moved when he was talking I don't know whether it was coincidence or not but he was chuft. How is ur OH, is he excited etc?
I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about things at the moment. Feel a little bit weepy at times, haven't been weepy but feel it. Feel so lucky but nervous etc. Every time Passenger moves I think I wonder what you look like? It's weird.
Hope all is well with you & Bubble.

Take care & talk soon

Juls x
Hi Juls,

All is well here. You must have finished work by now?
I'm still having a few sleepless nights but I'm not at breaking point with them yet!!
Am going to have a moan about my midwife service though. (Lack of)!!
I've only actually met my midwife twice in 32 weeks. Have been sent to my GP for all my other antenatals because midwife is always unavailable or fully booked etc. My GP is brilliant though so I am lucky but because she doesn't specialise in pregnant women I don't feel like I'm getting all the info I should be. Had my 28 week blood tests and my iron levels came back low. Midwife was on holiday when my results came through so GP called me to discuss my options. We agreed I'd try a natural supplement as I didn't want the side effects that come with the prescribed iron tablets. As I'm now 32 weeks, I'm supposed to be seeing midwife/GP alternately every 2 weeks until either Bubble arrives or I go overdue. So I rang last week to make an appointment for this week and the midwife is fully booked until late Oct!!! GP was also fully booked and the receptionist said there was nothing she could do. So I just left it and decided that I would either call the docs one morning and tell them I was having pains or something in the hope that the doc would ask me to go down there or I was just going to walk into my hospital and ask for an antenatal check!! Anyway a while later the receptionist rang back and said that she'd spoken to my GP and she'd said that I need to see someone before the end of Oct (obviously) so my lovely doctor has arranged to see me out of surgery hours on 13th Oct.
Can't understand why it is constantly my GP who puts herself out for me when the midwife is supposed to be seeing me?
It still means I'll be nearly 34 weeks when I next see the GP (haven't seen anyone since 29 weeks) but it's better that waiting until the end of October!!
I'm really dissapointed with the midwife service here and It's making me a little nervous because I'm worrying that the midwives at the hospital are just as slack :shock:

Thats my moan over!!!

Other than that all is moving along smoothly. Bubble is moving lots although stops as soon as OH puts his hand on my belly!! :wink: OH see's my tummy moving though just by looking at it!!!

Hope all is well for you? Look foward to hearing from you xxx

Take Care xxx

BubbleOne :D
Hi BubbleOne,

Wow is time just flying by - is it the same for you? It seems ages since we were in touch. I havent been on the forum for a while, everything seems to be so busy just now. I finish work next Friday (21st) so it's been very busy there trying to let staff off on holiday & making sure I've got everything done before I go.

At home things have been quite busy too. We've nearly got Passenger's room finished, the carpet gets laid on Saturday. We've been trying to get all the other jobs around the house done aswell so that we can have quality time together before the arrival. My husband has booked us a pamper weekend at the Hilton - so we're really looking forward to that.

We've got our first ante-natal class tonite, I'm a bit nervous & excited about it. Got the midwife tomorrow for a check-up. I know what ur saying abt the carry on u have had about ur midwife - it must be a nightmare for u. We've been quite lucky regarding our check ups but I dont know if u feel the same I feel that the midwifes don't seem to come forward with information to let u know what's going to happen or what to expect etc. It's a whole new world having a baby for the first time - u just dont know what to expect & I think they should be more informative - I know the internet & the forum is & has been a great help through these weeks but it would be better on a more personal level. Anyway sorry to go on, that's my moan over with. I really hope u get ur appointments & check ups sorted out.

I can't believe there is less than 8 weeks to due date. I'm getting a bit more nervous about labour & the birth (I've been nervous & scared all along but it's getting worse the closer the date is getting). How about you?I will be glad to get back to my normal shape (hopefully) but I've also enjoyed having a bump.

Well I'd better stop now & get on with some work. Take care of yourself & Bubble, hopefully talk soon.

Juls x
Hey Juls!!

Well we now only have 2 weeks to go :shock:
I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone. Think I might quite miss it when it's all over.
I'm getting a little nervous now but at the same time I just can't wait to hold Bubble in my arms. :lol:

Have you finished Passengers room yet?

I bet you're having a nice relaxing time at home now you have finished work? Or are you going mad with boredom?

How were your antenatal classes? I decided not to go to any. None were offered to me by my midwife so I assumed I'd have to pay if I wanted to go to them. They did offer me Parent Craft Classes but I think they are more about learning how to breastfeed and actually care for your baby once it's here. I'd quite like to get over the labour bit first and then start worrying about the next 18yrs!!

Me and Bubble are doing well. I thought I might have had him/her by now but no such luck!! I always felt like Bubble would come early but I'm not really feeling that anymore. Things have improved slightly with regards to my midwife. Haven't actually seen my registered one since last time we spoke but I do seem to be getting better care at last. There was a student midwife at my last appointment (as well as a qualified midwife) and she spent ages feeling my belly and chatting to me about things. I'm going back on Wednesday. Hopefully it'll be my last appointment before Bubble arrives!! :lol:

Hope all is going smoothly for you? We'll just have to look out for eachothers posts on 'Announce your new arrival' now!! How exciting!! :D

Take Care xxx

BubbleOne xxx
Hi Bubble One,

It was good to hear from you. You're right about only having 2 weeks to go & how quick everything has gone. I seem to have lost 10 weeks between 20 something & 30 something weeks - don't know where they went.

I've finished work now for 4 weeks & I've been so busy. I thought I would be so bored but I've been doing aqua-natal & pregnancy yoga & with trying to get things organised for Christmas & Passenger, the time has passed so quick. I'm now trying to take it easy & slow down because I'm quite tired & need to get caught up with some rest before the time comes.

We went to the ante-natal classes offered from the hospital & they were quite good. It was good meeting people in the same boat as yourself. I can't believe you weren't offered any classes - that's really bad. That's good that things have got better with your midwife situation but still not perfect eh?

I'm the same as you about getting nervous about labour - I'm really quite frightened & anxious about the whole thing but can't wait to hold Passenger in my arms so hopefully that thought will get me through the whole thing.

Will be keeping an eye our for your announcement, hope all goes well for you all, take care & good luck.

Juls x

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