Hi Juls,
All is well here. You must have finished work by now?
I'm still having a few sleepless nights but I'm not at breaking point with them yet!!
Am going to have a moan about my midwife service though. (Lack of)!!
I've only actually met my midwife twice in 32 weeks. Have been sent to my GP for all my other antenatals because midwife is always unavailable or fully booked etc. My GP is brilliant though so I am lucky but because she doesn't specialise in pregnant women I don't feel like I'm getting all the info I should be. Had my 28 week blood tests and my iron levels came back low. Midwife was on holiday when my results came through so GP called me to discuss my options. We agreed I'd try a natural supplement as I didn't want the side effects that come with the prescribed iron tablets. As I'm now 32 weeks, I'm supposed to be seeing midwife/GP alternately every 2 weeks until either Bubble arrives or I go overdue. So I rang last week to make an appointment for this week and the midwife is fully booked until late Oct!!! GP was also fully booked and the receptionist said there was nothing she could do. So I just left it and decided that I would either call the docs one morning and tell them I was having pains or something in the hope that the doc would ask me to go down there or I was just going to walk into my hospital and ask for an antenatal check!! Anyway a while later the receptionist rang back and said that she'd spoken to my GP and she'd said that I need to see someone before the end of Oct (obviously) so my lovely doctor has arranged to see me out of surgery hours on 13th Oct.
Can't understand why it is constantly my GP who puts herself out for me when the midwife is supposed to be seeing me?
It still means I'll be nearly 34 weeks when I next see the GP (haven't seen anyone since 29 weeks) but it's better that waiting until the end of October!!
I'm really dissapointed with the midwife service here and It's making me a little nervous because I'm worrying that the midwives at the hospital are just as slack
Thats my moan over!!!
Other than that all is moving along smoothly. Bubble is moving lots although stops as soon as OH puts his hand on my belly!!

OH see's my tummy moving though just by looking at it!!!
Hope all is well for you? Look foward to hearing from you xxx
Take Care xxx