Hi everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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Hello everyone,
how is everyone feeling?
im really excited i got my 20 week scan on thursday yay! :D
i think im having a boy but as long as its healthy im not bothered!
what do you think to my names i have got-
Jacob Richard Johnson for a boy
Libby Anita Johnson for a girl!
shell x
Hiya Shell and welcome to the 2nd tri, also known as the nuthouse! :wink:

Well i for one am still waiting to "bloom" but other than that, and being kicked in my bits, i'm good!!

Hope you get to find out what sex your LO is, mines was being a bad baby that day and wouldn't let us know, so it'll be a surprise in 15 weeks time!

Names are gorgeous hun! xx
ah bless ya!
im not feeling any big movments yet! im sure i will do soon! :D
im not realli feeling the blooming yet either as i still get morning sickness!
and last week i was rushed into hospital with tummy cramps but it was a nasty water infection! :(
God sounds as if you're having a rough time of it just now, hope it gets easier for you hun!!

You'll probablt be feeling little movements just now but just don't realise it! You'll get to recognise it soon!
:hug: awww hun hope you start feeling better soon :D and let us know how your scan goes :D
Hi wanabamum, I'm from Lincolnshire too! Hope your scan goes well, mines in 2 wks and I can't wait!
Wow good luck on thurs hun!!

How come you think its a boy? Your instinct or shape etc?
i dont actually know!
im just convinced its a boy! i think if they tell me its a girl on the scan i wont believe them :?
im carrying all at the front! im not sure what that means! :)
Well loads of blue baby dust coming your way then hun!
Yeah hope you get the little boy you want :hug:

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