Hi everyone! can you tell me the signs of labour as i was induced with my first ...


Mar 31, 2010
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Hi everyone! can you tell me the signs of labour as i was induced with my first ...

and went straight to 9cm within ten mins and she came after half hour of pushing. im kinda hoping for a natural come when its ready birth this time and worried about not spotting the very first signs of labour. any help appriciated thanx xx :shock:
No advice honey i'm afraid, as this is my first a good question though - so i will be reading the answers as i don't have much of a clue. Didn't want to read and run x
I was exactly the same as you. Induced with my first and convinced my body was incapable of going into labour by itself!! Anyway, 2nd time round,after several sweeps I felt my bump tightening in what Ithought were really strong BH"s. Then they started to hurt, then really hurt. An hour and a half later she was born!!

Everybody's different though and every one of us will probably have totally different signs!! Don't worry though, you'll know!!
Regular painful contractions, usually a show (although this can be a few days before), waters breaking but mostly regular contractions. Once these are 5 mins apart (i think) you are in active labour. Like ladies said you'll know!!
a day of cramp for me usually, then the back ache then it turns into contractions. I'm a slow starter but once i'm in active labour i pop them out quick xx
I started off with tightenings getting closer and then more uncomfortable, then my waters broke after two long-ish walks. I was then induced as bubs had poo-ed inside me, my contractions got very very strong as I had an epidural that failed so went from feeling ok tightenings to nothing at all to horrific contractions that really were artificial..not very nice!
I started off with tightenings getting closer and then more uncomfortable, then my waters broke after two long-ish walks. I was then induced as bubs had poo-ed inside me, my contractions got very very strong as I had an epidural that failed so went from feeling ok tightenings to nothing at all to horrific contractions that really were artificial..not very nice!

:oooo: scare the hell outta me!
I had extreamly strong beaxton hicks for three days coming and going very painful then I get lower period type pains that extrealy early labour but they came and went too then my bh as I thought they were coming back got very painful and linger they weren't regular till about fourty mins before I gave birth I had my waters popped in hospital as they didn't want to go themselves with my first they popped in the midwives face as she was going to pop them :rotfl: but I was being induced then and ended up havin a c section so only second time to go on x
I started off with tightenings getting closer and then more uncomfortable, then my waters broke after two long-ish walks. I was then induced as bubs had poo-ed inside me, my contractions got very very strong as I had an epidural that failed so went from feeling ok tightenings to nothing at all to horrific contractions that really were artificial..not very nice!

:oooo: scare the hell outta me!

Thats what happens with induction, it makes your contractions much much stronger than they would be normally - hence the pain! Also another reason why I would never have an epidural again :) Sorry didnt want to scare you, its just what happened to me!
^^^^ I agree I was induced with my first which failed and had to have a c section my epidural failed had one numb patch at top of my left leg do couldn't move leg that was all only got to 3cm as well and was so much more painful than when I had the full labour Inc pushing with zander inductions are horrible but it's not saying an epidural doesn't not work for everyone and gas n air is good :) x x x
i was induced with my first.

i was 17 yrs old and 40+6 days, they scanned me at the hospital and said because of my age and that ellé was small i would need t be induced. they brought e back in later the same day and induced me first time then several hours later again, nothing happened so the next morning the gave me another pessery which started to worka about three in the afternoon and i went from being fine to being in pain and when they checked i was 9cm dilatedthey took me to the labour ward broke my waters and i gave birth after half hour of pushing. :s

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