Hi every1


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2010
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Ok so i am very new to this so im just going to start by explaining my story and see if any of you lovely ladies can offer any advice.:)

Was on the implant and got it removed on september 18th. On october 19th my periods started and lasted 6 days, in November like clock work she arrived again and lasted 6 days, Now Decemeber-My period was a day late and only lasted 1 and a half days before she beacame sooo light she was almost non-existent. JANUARY My period was due 5 days ago-ITS LATE! I have done 5 BFN HPT'S. I feel sick,Boobs and back are sore and im tired.

I have read that it may still be too early to do HPT i am going to re-test on Tuesday. Do you think that i am pregnant ladies???? xx:shock:

You could pregnant and you could not be?? I would test in say 5 days time and that way you know you have given yourself more time..

Good luck and hope you get a BFP!

Donna xx
:wave: It's definitely possible that you could be... some people take much longer than others to get a positive result on a urine test. Fingers crossed for you :dust:
i was also due well last saturday ...my last period was dec 12th ...and if my calculations are right we ..was active when i was ovulating...ive done two tests and both negative and still no monthly..i dunno whats goin on all i know is ive had high temps and headaches n back aches n past few days my boobs/nipples hurt!! :O/
Looks like the girls answered your question, but welcome to the forum and good luck :dust: xx
welcome to the forum, hope you get a positive result xxxx
Hey Girls thank you so much for the replies ma heads going round and round i wanna be pg so badly. My Period was a week late today-Still A BFN- Im so disheartened i had notcied a slight bleed when i went to the toilet earlier-was very light obv the 1st thing that my crazy mind thot was oh maybe its implantation bleeding doubt it. I know i just know that i am gona wake up 2morrow and that witch will have given me my big fat Period! HELP ME!?!?!

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