How are we all doing???


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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Just a thread to say hi to the new girlys who have joined and how are you all doing??? X x

Hi Smess, I'm doing fine thank you. Have another scan in a couple of weeks to check my placenta position as it was anterior low, but hopefully it will have buggered off up the womb a bit so I can get on with having a normal pregnancy! Oh, and my feet have swollen up like balloons in the last hour or so! Can only wear flip flops!

More to the point, how are you doing now?

I an living in my uggs as they fit lol. My feet ballon too.
Glad your ok though hun. I am alright had to go to Asda and do food shopping nothing in and I was moaning around I was in so much pain. Midwife is shortly though.
I also got hit by trolleys how rude ay lol.
X x

No midwife today got day wrong its.tomorrow x x

Well I'm not sure if they'll give me any photos cos they said they won't be able to see much as baby is much bigger now. Also I think they'll just look for the placenta straight away. Pictures would be great though, can't get enough of them. They're free at my hospital too!

Awww being so uncomfortable isn't good honey. Is there nothing anyone can do?

Hi ladies,

Got the all clear from my consultant today which is good. Only problem with that is that it means I have to go back to work now! Luckily, because my bp was borderline high again work have agreed for me to go back part time so I can still rest in the afternoons and they'll pay me my full time wages. So I guess they aren't that bad.

Am starting to really ache too now. My right hip is causing me a lot of pain today so hopefully that will wear off soon.

Got measured again today and am now measuring 35cms! How big am I going to get?????

Hope you're all doing ok.

Hey Smess! Hope you're ok!

I'm doing really well. I had bad heartburn last night and this morning but it's gone now thanks to gaviscon. No swollen feet for me yet either which is lovely!

Wish - My placenta's anterior too but MW says it's right on the front of my bump which is a relief! Hope yours has moved up hun! x
Wow Roo, you should post a bumpy pic!! I was measuered last Tuesday when I was 26+4 and I was 26cms, I can't imagine how stretched you feel!! x
Wow Roo, you should post a bumpy pic!! I was measuered last Tuesday when I was 26+4 and I was 26cms, I can't imagine how stretched you feel!! x

I was amazed when he said 35!! Last week when mw measured me I was 32 so it could just be because of different people measuring me. I certainly don't feel as though I've grown 3cms in 6 days!! But 2 people measured me today and came up with 35cms!

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