Hi all TTC..


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Just wanted to put a thread to say be posotive, I was trying to conceive for 8 months after OH had a reversal vasectomy and it was very stressful as month by month went by and no BFP, OH had a low sperm count but lost weight cut out drinking and only had showers not baths to keep bits cooler. Started using OPK clear blue digitals and :bd:every other day due to sperm count being low just so he could build up he stores :) 5 days before I predicted ov and through ov. You could try pre-seed aswell which is supposed to be good I ordered some and found out I was preg the day it came through post so not sure on how good it is but other ladies say its good, it basically replicated crevical mucas in order for sperm to swim as some ladies may not have much.

Good luck to you all and sending you lots of baby dust xxx
Thanks bidsy! That's some very useful advice. Can I ask for more info about your OH's low count? Does that mean that you can boost it up quite a bit by doing that stuff? Did he take any meds or vitamins or anything? Doesnt it take 3 months for a sperm to grow? Does that mean it took that long to get a higher count? Sorry for annoying questions but am interested in anything that could help. My OH is getting a test done at the end of this month and it would be great to have the jump on it just in case.
Hi star fish ye it can certainly help, n ye it takes that to make sperm so say your OH had a night out and had loads to drink in one session it will affect count in 3 months. Our consultant said it would be better to drink a pint a night rather than get paraletic at the weekend, alot to ask I know but it does make a diff. We both took his and hers pregnacare which you can get from boots. It has zinc, etc in and all necassary vitamins for the man to help with count. good luck x
Thanks bidsy. I told my husband, he was horrified! Loves a session with the lads occasionally, I shall have to lay down the law. Ha ha, well I can try......
Thanks Bidsy :)

I was actually considering not using the Pre-seed this month after trying it last month but i think i might again now lol

Cute spaniel btw :love:

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