Hi all i'm back and missed you all so much *updated pics*


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Hello :wave:

thank you all for the lovely messages you have left for me. :dance: me and luke came home on saturday night and we are trying to get into a routine and life is so busy. :clap:

i will post my story and pics asap when i can remember how to do it!! :cheer:

the short story is as you know we had a busy week with problems the week leading up to the arrival and we had a planned section booked for monday. i went into labour on saturday night as he just couldn't wait. :lol: so i went in and i was having contractions but wasn't dilating so they let me contract all night and planned the section for 9am sunday morning. by this time the contractions were really painful :? and i hadn't had any pain relief. anyway had the section, not a great experience as the spinal block i had did not take on my right side of my stomach and unfortunatly i felt a lot of pain :cry: in fact i felt the entire thing, the anaethatist was reluctant to give me too much stronger drugs til luke was delivered but he had to as i was in agony hence the fact luke came out very flat and had an APGAR of 2 they flashed him in front of my eyes briefly and whisked him off to neonatal unit where he picked up really quickly, but i had to have a lot of strong pain relief that knocked me right out :wall: they were so close to putting me to sleep as i couldn't cope with the pain but in hindsight i'm glad this didn't happen. because of all this i didn't see luke properly til 18.00 that evening 8 hours after he was born, :shakehead: gary went over and had lots of cuddles but i just didn't feel well enough, but when i saw him i fell in love instantly and couldn't believe i could love him so much. :D

luke stayed in neonatal til wednesday evening and then came back to the ward with me. he is slow to feed and my milk took ages to come in and the midwives were really pushing breast feeding which i found so painful as he couldn't suck well and would chomp on my nipple and it was agony i finally lost it one day and insisted i start using a bottle and it worked and thankfully now we are home and i'm doing what i like and he is thriving. i am expressing every 3 hours so he is getting some of my milk and being topped up by formula as well- which is working well.

despite all of the above i would go through it all 10 times over to get the end result. he is perfect and i love being a mum he is good as gold and sleeps between feeds waking every 3 hours or so. gary and i are so lucky to have him.

all the best to those who have had there little ones also. and good luck to those who labour is iminent. :pray:
congratulations :cheer:

Sending big hugs to the three of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: OMG you poor thing that sounds really scary glad it hasn't put you off having any more babies

CONGRATULATIONS on baby Luke am dying to see some piccies.
:shock: long time no see my dear
baby luke :d
im so jealous Riley is still cooking :(
so glad you are bakc with us - we missed you too...

what a diffuclt time you had but how wonderful to hear how you are doing with your little one.......... :dance: :dance: :dance:

can't wait to see the pics....

I am still holding on here but hoping it will happen any minute now.... feeling very large and uncomfortable and just want to hold my baby.....

:hug: :hug: :hug:
yay rusks!! welcome to the new mummy club, ul love it!! :cheer: :cheer:
awww hun sounds like youve been through the mill so glad your both ok and home :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Hi Rusks,
Glad you are both so well and home. Hope I join you in the new mummy club soon.
Awwwwwwwwwwww so gutted for you about the cr**y pain relief - sounds awful! You are one super mum for getting through all of that :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Hope you find the feeding gets easier, Debs has just turned a corner at a week old, but like you my milk was also delayed and we have been topping up with formula. Dont you find you feel like an old fashioned radio transistor by the time the MW's have all finished twiddling your nips? :rotfl: Good luck petal and hope you're healing well :hug: :hug: :hug:
glad your both home and well...sounds like a really tought time...

I get really pisssed off these days that you have to demand to bottle feed if thats what you want to do.glad you are doing what works for you both

Its great to have you back Lisa, im glad your enjoying motherhood! :cheer:
hope this works. here is my gorgeous little man.

Luke James Webster born 11/02/07 10.00 am, 4lbs 4 and 3/4 ounces.

awwww he's tiny ..Thx for sharing


:wave: Dylan waves to baby luke
awww hes lovely well done rusks :clap:
welcome baby luke :wave:
congratulations Rusks and daddy Rusks, he's absolutely gorgeous! :cheer: :hug:

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