Heyyyyy I'm home!!!!!

congratlations he is so sweet, sounds like you are on cloud 9.
Massive congratulations hun!! I remember us being in TTC together and reading about everything you went through for him to be here! He's stunning! :) x
As I have just said to Lexus, I'm in shock! 2 days off the forum cos I've been poorly & all these gorgeous babies arrive!!!
Well done hun, you did well to stay at home as long as you did & can't believe how quickly he arrived. Joseph was nearly an Archie so I think it's a fab name. He looks so peaceful & content on his photo. Just beautiful - I bet you're so proud.
Big hugs & congratulations to you & your family x

Love Sunnyb xxx
congrats and well done u...ur son is soooooo cute :):) x
He's a beauty. Congratulations Smess. xxx
Awww well done hunny!

He is so cute!

I hope you are OK xx
I cant believe he's here! Its so weird how it happens just like that - makes it seem more real for me reading about u and Lex!! Congrats xx
Congrattsss u did so well, x x n he's lovely x
Thank you girls I am so happy. Although lack of sleep is.catching up but still in love.... x x
Congratulations! he's so gorgeous, and well done! x
Hey, congratulations you!
This is the first Ive heard of it - wow, sounds like it all went rather quickly.

He looks like an absolute sweetheart - well done!
Thank you hun!!!
Was very quick. Glad your home too x x

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