hey :) :)


Active Member
Mar 15, 2010
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heya! hows everyone doing? aint been on in ages. hope all is well with u and bumps. ive been getting loads braxton hicks and cramping for over 4days. do u think this is the start of something? im 35weeks+. xx
Not sure whether or not it's the start of anything but my gosh you've not got long left now have you?! :) I bet it's so exciting! x
Not sure whether or not it's the start of anything but my gosh you've not got long left now have you?! :) I bet it's so exciting! x
really exciting. your on team yellow like me:dance:
I know :) We're off for a 4D scan next Sat though so REALLY gonna have to try our best not to find out! lol! If he/she waves his/her bum in full view then we're accepting it as fate! x
aww. i wanted one but couldnt afford. if i come on here on saturday and u know the sex im not gonna be happy with u:trouble:
Hahahaa! Everyone in our families were well shocked at first when we told them we weren't finding out, now I think they'd bat us too if we knew! lol!

Well if we know it will be because bubs has flung his/her bum in front of the sonographer by pure accident! Don't want to purposely know! Hehe! x
Sounds like BH but not much longer - he/she couldbe here in two weeks! We are on team yellow too but also have a 4d scan on sunday so hoping for no bum waving either after holding out thins long not finding out!
Sounds like BH but not much longer - he/she couldbe here in two weeks! We are on team yellow too but also have a 4d scan on sunday so hoping for no bum waving either after holding out thins long not finding out!
yaay another team yellow. i do get alot of braxton hicks along with cramping. im pretty sure bubs gonna be early
I know what you mean evajo - i really wanted to know for a week or two after the 20wk scan but i'm so glad we didn't find out! All our mates have had a sweepstake as to what sex and weight baby will be! Haha! X
I had a 4d scan a couple of weeks ago (we already knew we were team blue) and we were asked almost straight away if we knew, the sonographer was flicking past things really quick and unless you knew what part of the body she was looking at I don't think you'd see. She then said he'd flashed at her, but I think if we didn't want to know she'd have been able to avoid it. She took measurements first, again quite quickly of head, tummy and legs to check all was well. This all looked like a normal scan does, then she focussed on his face and flicked to the 4d images. It was brilliant, but as I say I think you will both be ok with not finding out the sex of your babies.

Ooh sorry went on a bit, does sound like braxton hicks, but not long to go for you hun - i bet you're sooo excited now xx
I had a 4d scan a couple of weeks ago (we already knew we were team blue) and we were asked almost straight away if we knew, the sonographer was flicking past things really quick and unless you knew what part of the body she was looking at I don't think you'd see. She then said he'd flashed at her, but I think if we didn't want to know she'd have been able to avoid it. She took measurements first, again quite quickly of head, tummy and legs to check all was well. This all looked like a normal scan does, then she focussed on his face and flicked to the 4d images. It was brilliant, but as I say I think you will both be ok with not finding out the sex of your babies.

Ooh sorry went on a bit, does sound like braxton hicks, but not long to go for you hun - i bet you're sooo excited now xx
Thanks for that - have been advised just to say at the begininning to avoid that area! Did you get babes measurements and weight estimate?
Measurments were normal for the weeks i'm at, all looking good. I asked about weight estimate but she said she couldn't do it on that machine, and they're often way out anyway x

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