Hey! New here!


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Feb 13, 2024
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Hey everyone! I am new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashley Little, and I am 38 years old. I am pregnant with a little boy, my third child, due in late June of this year. My husband and I are so thankful and excited about it! We had male infertility issues and underwent IVF starting in March of last year. We had been trying for over two years prior to the treatment. This is my first child with my husband. I have two other children, both daughters. One of my daughters is 19 years old, and the other one is 13 years old. I was 19 years old when I had my first daughter. It is very interesting being an older parent in comparison to what I experienced as a very young parent.

I used to be a wedding photographer but was forced to close my doors due to COVID. I had never been to college before and decided to sign up around this time last year. Even though I did horribly in high school, I have been doing awesome in college! I have a 4.0 GPA and have been in the honors program for two semesters now! The reason I am telling you all this is because I have an honors project this year, and I am doing it with the mentorship of my sociology professor. The project is going to be on what it has been like for young mothers over the last twenty years. I know it was really hard socially and isolating for me. I felt I was treated differently by several groups, including healthcare. This affected me and, most importantly, my children. If any of you guys are, or have been young mothers (between the ages of 14-21 years old), would you mind filling out a short questionnaire for my project? I hope to bring awareness to my classmates and faculty with this project and change the perception and treatment of young mothers in society.

If you are interested, please let me know either by posting here, or PM me. You can also reach me at my email address if you prefer: [email protected]

Thank you guys so much in advance! Your help means a whole lot to me!

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