Hey girls im back!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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had a great weekend, yesterday i got up at 7am to open my presents, wasnt expecting any, OH told me he bought me one or two, there was a setee full of presents!!! He had bought me loads - and he bought me an electronic massager as my back has been hurting, i lay on the bed and switch it on the function i want - hey presto!! its brilliant :D - he had sprinkled little 21 confetti all over the table and lit a candle so we could eat our breakfast hehe - then we went back to bed for a bit ;) and went shopping!!

Later on we had a curry and a birthday cake and it was brilliant

anyway, im 21 now woooo!! :cheer: and today i went to midwife, which is why im late for work, she said everythings measuring fine and i heard our little girl (who i think we are 100% sure on calling her Ruby :D ) - which im glad about because last night i had the most awful stomach ache which kept me awake ALL night :(

anyway girls - did you miss me?? :D

how are you all....and your bumps?? :D

p.s. i havent felt baby girl kick anymore since that time so asked midwife and she said it'll just be the way she is laid - hope she moves soon so i can start feeling her properly lol :D
Hey Leanne! Glad you had a lovely birthday and a whole setee full of presents! Wow im not jealous at all :fib: I put my very first bump pics up in the tummy pics section but nobody has looked at them i dont think :( Hows your bump coming along, any new pics to share!! And i just noticed my ticker has moved up to the Flat Bottomed Baby!! :cheer: x
Glad you had a lovely 21st Leanne. Sounds like it was a day to remember xx
Glad you had a great birthday :D

I'm still not feeling any movement either apart from the odd flutter. I wish I could feel more!

I love the name Ruby! Great choice
sounds like to had a fab day. Glad everything is well with LO and Ruby is a gorgeous name! :hug:
Hi :wave:

Happy 21st Birthday for yesterday :hug:

Pleased you had a lovely time.

Ruby is a gorgeous name, was one of my shortlist names if we'd have been having a girl.

Speak soon


Sounds like you had a fantastic time - might have to get one of those massagers for my wife as she has a pretty bad back at the moment.

Gorgeous name - we are nearly there on ours, but still a few choices!!
glad you had a lovely time hun :hug: xxxxxxxxx
glad you had a good birthday :D how does it feel to be 21? glad appoinment went well, im sure you'll feel her kicking more soon. and youll want her to stop again :lol:
Glad you had a good birthday! My bump is rapidly expanding at the moment. I was off work last week and when I went back today, people couldn't believe the change! Its just suddenly shot out! How is your bump? Feeling any kicks yet?

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