Hey everyone!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Just a quick note to say hi and we are back in the UK.
Im nicking someones wireless connection :oops: to get my PF fix! Our move went well for the nost part. Im not overly thrilled to be back to be honest but im sure i'll get used to it. I hate the house we are in, it just seems small and pokey after the house in Budapest and its weird being in this rural type area again after living in such a big city! Although shopping in Asda was nice lol.
Hopefully our phone and broadband will both be switched on by midweek so i'll be back properly when they are.
Hope everyone is ok! Im missing you all!
Mel xx :hug:
Hiya babes :wave:

I'm sure you will get used to being back soon enough.

Hope you get internet sorted soon :hug: :hug:
Welcome back melanie!!

Hope you get used to your smaller house soon, and im sure you will get used to the more rural area and come to love it in no time, especially when you can go on all them lovley walks!!

:rotfl: at enjoying shopping at Asda with the Chav & Chavettes that locate it up here :rotfl: OOoo I bet your near the big superstore one aren't you, and the big Marks and Sparks?

Hope you settle in soon. Oh and you wont get caught nicking someones connection, my bro has been nicking his for 18 months (everyday!) and never been caught pmsl

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