Hey every1, another newbie =)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Hey every1,
Just thought I'd come and say hi!!

I have been browsing pf for a while for some info,decided to join nov but had probs with signing in,so been reading all your goings on in the ttc forum and cudnt comment :doh: soooooo annoying!! lol

Anyhow im mum of two to olivia who is 8 and kaitlyn who is 6 :)

I had the mirena coil in for almost 6years which came out the beginning of sept this year,been thinking of having another baby for a while so decided not to have another fitted as I did'nt know how long it was gonna take to get caught,seen as i've had the coil fitted for so long.

I've never really had any probs catching and my cycles were always pretty regular but when I had the coil fitted my periods got lighter and then stopped like the doctor said they mite,which was fab I must say,no sore boobs,acheing back,period pains!! Alittle annoying thou when trying to work out when i'd be ovulating as I didnt have a clue.

Me and the hubby werent using contraception since I had my coil out,sort of starting thinkin i may be preggers but 6 weeks later I got the witch which lasted for roughly 5 days.

Done abit of homework on what to look out for when ovulating and just went by them signs,monitioring my cm was a good one!

So I'm just going by when I had my first af which was 8th nov so will be due weds and wait to see if af comes.
Feels like itis to be honest but af symptoms are so like preg symptoms its annoying isn't it!!

Sorry to rabble but glad I can finally get on here now and comment with you lovely ladies =)

my name is kelly
Hi there and welcome to PF, good luck to you x
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Good luck
Hi Kelly, welcome :) Sounds like you're on a scale with me as I had my AF 11 November after coming off the pill and suffered symptoms too but its not to be this month! Good luck with it all ;)
Thanks cherry :)

Yes I've heard that coming off the pill you can get similar symptoms but then I think we all can when ttc,the symptons are soooo much like af. I found out I was pg on my previous two around 8-10wks and I think its not til then you start to feel different (well i did anyhow).

When your not ttc I think you just put the feeling like rubbish down to a bug,flu,work and all the normal stresses of day to day life,okay so your period maybe alittle late but if you dont run like clockwork then your used to that.

I think its so much better when your not actually ttc (if you no what I mean) but then at the same time once you start thinking about it,then trying to work out your cycles and when your ovulating etc,you just get drawn in and before you know it,its racking your brains!!

Lets hope we get lucky very soon!!!
Mother nature spread your fairydust!! :)
Welcome to the forum and good luck


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