Hi ladies-newbie TTC#2

Well I had a dull ache down below yesterdaay, that could mean I OV on day 13 of my cycle (28 day cycle), we must BD every day I think, I wish I knew when I was ovulating!!!! grr
hi scones,
hav u visited the ttc section? i dont kno anything about it as iv never done ttc but iv popped in there and the ladies there seem 2 do allsorts of things they kno when they ovulate and stuff. its very complicated 2 me but im sure theyll explain!
Thanks trixipaws, I will have a good nose about over there. AF is due on Weds and I feel as though she is coming, heavy abdomen etc, hope not but if so, we will try again next month, think we might have to be BD a bit more often though!!
Ok hope I have more luck this month! I have an exact 28 day cycle, I know that now, and I came on last on weds 17th Oct which means that if the statistics are correct, Im OVing today, as today is day 14. I did an OPK last night and it was a strong dar line, just did another one and it is fainter (a day later). I wonder if that means Im actually OVing tomorrow? Not sure, any advice from you ladies there?

We BD on Saturday and then again last night (monday), so i suppose we better tonight as well. :rotfl:

Fingers crossed for me this month x

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