He's off the chart!!!!!!!!!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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:shock: :shock: :shock:

Just been to take James for his 8 week check.

He is 64cm long and 18lb 4oz!!!!!!!!!! At 9 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When she plotted him on the graphs he is WAY above the 99th percentile in both areas!!!! :shock: :shock:

Doc said there was nothing to worry about as he is all in proportion - he is just a BIG boy 8)

Also said his neck is very strong for his age so Im now convinced that I wasnt really 38 weeks when I delivered but 2 months overdue!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

We also spoke about weaning and i told him about me putting rice in his last bottle and he said it was fine under the circumstances and he imagines Im gonna have to start giving him more soon!!! He is gonna be on steak and chips by the time he is 6 months old at this rate!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Omg Jen hes huge! what a clever little boy growing that big that fast!

What size clothing is he wearing now?

Just imagine what your boobs would have been like if you had continued breastfeeding :shock:
At 9 weeks Lily was only 10lb 2oz and 56cm long :shock: :shock: :shock: No one can say he's not getting what he needs lol bless him!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Omg Jen hes huge! what a clever little boy growing that big that fast!

What size clothing is he wearing now?

Just imagine what your boobs would have been like if you had continued breastfeeding :shock:

He is filling 3 - 6 months at the mo - some are too small and he has some 6 - 9 month stuff!!!

I hate to think what my boobs would look like if I had continued to BF!! Huge flat pancakes with holes where the nips used to be I'd imagine!!!


LilysMummy he was 10lb 2oz when he was born.... :lol:


:rotfl: :rotfl:
Awwwww :D What a lil chunk

Fynn was 18lb something when I took him for his 9 week weigh-in too! He's probably about 12 stone now :wink: :rotfl:

Apparently they will lose it when they start to crawl. I havent had him weighed since... cos I dont see much point in it personally, he is what he is :D .
oh dear lord ! lil monster lol i thought leland was big being on the 95th centile lol he was 12lb at 5 weeks corrected !
OMG Jen! My LO is nearly 9 months old and just over 16lbs! She's a cloth bum though so has been in 6-9 month clothes for ages.

Way to go James!

Valentine Xxx
He's nearly as big as my LO now :) Last week she was 19lb and 68cm at 7 months :) It's nice when they fit it their clothes and not drown in them. Looks so cute.
wow! Asher's not even 18lbs now at 7 months!

woooooow!!!! go james!! :shock:

Ryan weighed 10lb 2oz at 6 weeks!
Darragh is really long too - he was 64 cm too at his eight week injections - my DH was like my god he is over two foot already :rotfl:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Fab.... does he wanna date a big girl ;).... lil miss was off the charts at her 1 month check ... here

And I saw a 7 month old baby today and lil miss was only slightly smaller than he was... :( You miss your little babies... :(
My little andrew 14 lb at his 8 wk chk and over average for his height he is now 3 n half months on 3 meals a day. in 12 - 18 month old clothes and almost sitting mad how different all babies are isnt it?

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