Helpy Advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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This morning at my DD's martial arts seminar i had a bit of mucusy blood which i think might have been my show :?
Since last night i have had pain and today its getting worse but it is a strange pain, the whole bowling ball falling out pain and not being able to close my legs together properly.
I've taken some paracetamol and am now back in bed but still in agony, haven't had any other bloody mucus just loose bowel movements,
LO hasn't been very active today either, i never had any of this with DD as it was an induction and all started with period type pains which i don't have.

So gis a clue what do i do?
Can't ring my midwife as shes worse than useless and DH is at work. :|
You need to ring your midwife or maternity unit for advice immediately - it does sound like maybe something is happening and the sooner you're checked over the better it will be for LO. This is how I started a little earlier than you and I delivered early :hug:
Yeah I would get you self checked out hun! I wouldn't ignore any blood. Hope you are ok :hug:
I would call your midwife of CDS (central delivery suite) ASAP and seek their advice, I'm willing to bet they want you in for a check up, your what 32 weeks ish? Babies have come far earlier than that in the past and you never know...might be the start of official labour. Please ring a midwife or the hospital delivery ward and take their advice.
If you haven't already then I'd ring the maternity/labour ward. Like the others say any blood loss should be reported. It could be your mucus plug but it's a little early for that so best of asking the professionals. :hug:
Ooh I would get checked out hunny, sounds like something is starting.

Keep us updated :hug:
Well i took the paracetamol and went back to bed not long woke up, and still feel very sore, DH is home in an hour so will ring the unit then and if they want me to go in i will go then.
how are you today FeeFee, hope everything is okay :hug:
Hey all well i chickened out and didn't ring, as i was just so tired as soon as DH got in i fell asleep :doh:
I've felt much better today though and haven't had any other CM or leakage of any description which is good, still have some pain and LO is moving but have promised to make an appointment tomorrow at my GP (who is also my midwife) and will talk to her then.

Thank you so much for all your advice and luck tis hugely appreciated :hug:
Just seen this - good luck Fee fee, make sure you let us know what your doc says. Hope all is ok! :hug:

Piglet xx

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