Helping a friend advice needed


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
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hello everyone

I am helping a friend to TTC

no physically of course!!! :wink: I read about a cough medicine on here... but can't remember what it was...

I have given advice on mucus and time of the month but don't know what else to suggest.

I got pregnant after 11 months of trying but my friend has been trying for 18 months

Anyone have any suggestions I can pass on????????
Cheers everyone!
hello :wave:

*How about OPK's to definately pinpoint ovulation
*Charting and temping - this really helped me
*Legs in the air after BD or at least dont move a muscle for half an hour after sexytime to give spermies chance to get well on there way to eggville

I cant rememeber what the cough medicine was but someone will know :)

Good luck to your friend TTC

Hi :wave: :wave:

I have read a lot of people say that Asda own cough medicine about 88p is good, there's a particular ingredient you need to look for can't remember how to spell it it's something like guifuissen (somebody will correct me on that.)

I have also heard that evening Primrose Oil can help produce EWCM but you must only take the capsules from your AF up until you ovulate as it can cause cramps or something like that.

If your friend does take anything to help produce EWCM then like the evening primrose oil only take it from AF until Ovulation.

Like Tillytots suggested as well OPKs, Temping and Charting, Legs in the air.

Good Luck to your friend Sending her lots of Babydust :hug:
...and try to relax and not think about it too much (I havent managed to do this yet though!) :)
the 'magic medicine', well ingriediant really, can be found in cough medine and it's called something like guafesine (sp)

It's ment to hels increase CM if taken for around 4 - 6 days before OV.

I have a bad chesty cough a few months back right at that time and I took it out of necessesity really to clear the cough and I did notice a slight increas in my EWCM that month.....

Unfortunately I'm taking it again now because the cough has come back :( It tastes horrid!

You do need to be careful though because there are other things in the medicine that can counter the effects. Apparenlty Tixi-lix is a good one to use.

p.s..... just noticed you're in sunny Stoke on Trent.... :wave: :wave: me too!!

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