

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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For the lat 5/6 mths I have spotted brown blood for a week b4 my period starts. Not heavy but enough to wear a panty liner.

Been to the doc and he dimissed it when I asked about it being low progesterone as my periods are regular. He sent me for swabs to rule out infections and they came back normal.

Does anyone else spot like this for a week b4 your period and if so did it stop you getting PG?

Thanks ladies :D
Well it shouldn't make it more difficult for you to get pregnant, but the low progesterone will..

Thing is I had very, VERY irregular periods and they were always incredibly light, so I could have been spotting rather than a period but as it would only last a couple or days or so it was never really noticed

Becs also had low progesterone but neither of our GP's wanted to know... We had to get private consultations though to get it diagnosed and had to have daily pesseries of natural progesterone... Both of us are now pregnant. However, before getting using the progesterone we had histories or bleeding, spotting and miscarriages...

If you want to PM either of us you can.. Becs had a diary... and here it is ... ht=#599242

Which might help... but PM either of us if you want to.. Things are slightly different in Spain so Becs might be able to give you more info about teh UK system. :D
I spot for a few days before my period and I had no problems whatsoever getting pregnant. Much to the disappointment of my oh I got pregnant straightaway :D He had been hoping it would take months of effort :lol: I was away most of the summer so we know the exact day I conceived on.

Don't worry. I hadn't considered trying to find a cause for the spotting - I found it a useful warning and as I use a mooncup rather than tampons or towel I just started using it as soon as the spotting started so was never caught out with when I started properly. The only small problem I have is that my doctor and I disagree about when my lmp was - he counts it from the start of the spotting and I count it from the start of the bleeding. But that doesn't actually matter.
yes i do this for a week before my period hun and i also bleed every now and again around ovulation but never stopped me getting pg
Thanks ladies, I feel a little better knowing that it's not just me. :D

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